
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Jammer Spotlight, Fun AJFC Commenting Tips, And 4th Of July Party!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Im really sorry I've been putting off the Jammer Spotlight for a long time! Anyways, heres this weeks Jammer Spotlight!

Congratulations Mom! It may seems kinda odd that my Mom plays AJ, but she loves playing Phantom Ball at the Summer Carnival, and playing Temple Of Trivia! 

Today I've decided to put up some fun AJFC commenting tips! Here they are!

1. You can make up a fun blog name! Such as, AJ Adventurer, DXplorergirl, NatureGirl, etc! Just make sure the blog name is appropriate, does not include any personal information, and does not have bad words or harsh words in it. 

2. To do bold, simply do this: <strong> to start bold, and </strong/> to end bold. 

3. You may put stories up on my blog! Just make sure they are somewhat Animal Jam based, and its not violent, and make sure their is NO bad words or harsh words. I want this blog to be a safe community for young and old. 

4. On the Daily Explorer you can put emotes in your comments, but sadly, I do not have that feature on AJFC. Sorry! But if you want to do emotes you can type, heres some fun ones to use! :) (smiley face) :D (very happy face) [*-*] (robot) :P (tongue sticking out face) :I (upset face) :O (surprised face) :3 (kitty face) <3 (heart) 

I hope you enjoyed these tips! 

I have some big news! I'm going to have a 4th Of July Party! Heres the info! 

Party info: 

Location: Graciepopstar91's den on Animal Jam

Date: July 3rd 2016 (7-3-16 which is a Sunday)

Time: 7 PM PST Pacific standard time such as California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington state 
10 PM EST Eastern standard time such as Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and New York 
8 PM MST Mountain standard time such as Arizona (It will be 7 PM for Arizona because they don't do daylight saving time.), New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho 9 PM CST Central standard time such as Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Kansas 4 AM UK time 4 PM HST Hawaii standard Time such as Honolulu, and Hilo 

What we will do at the party: Play mini-games, hangout, and have a little devotional about friends.

Reason for celebration: Its almost 4th Of July! Or as Animal Jam calls it, Freedom Day!

People who can come to the party: Everyone! Young or old, non-member on Animal Jam or member, Christian or non-Christian, etc! Don't forget to invite all your buddies!

Put the party day on your calendar! Also, if you are in Asia, Europe, China, etc please look up your time zone online. Asia has many different time zones so its hard to do all of them. Sorry! But if you need any help finding a website please comment below and follow the commenting rules. 

I hope you all can come! 

The devotional at the party will take the place of tomorrows Bible Study. 

Heres todays Bible verse!

Hebrews 10:23

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. I probable won't be able to come.. srry, :( (AJ Adventurer)

    1. Aw okay. Tell me if anything changes and you can come!

  2. I will! btw what time would it be for me? My time is CDT. It kinda depends what time and if I can work so I can go on the cpu, Plz reply!

    1. What time is it for you right now? I'm not sure I've heard of CDT.

    2. Ok, (it's in Wisconsin btw) next time your on I'll tell you what time it is for me then maybe you can figure it out

    3. That would mean the party is at 9 PM for you :)

    4. Okay, probable won't be able to come. Time thing. Usually I cannot play at 9. PLUS I can usually only play Thursday-Sunday for an hour. Inless I work! wish me luck!

  3. Hey Gracie! I think I will post 1 of my stories, here, OK?

    1. Hiya! Sure! Just make sure they aren't violent, and they don't have inappropriate content :)

    2. Ok thanks! Its my alpha story, so DONT SPOIL IT FOR ANY1 ON THE Daily Explorer! XD This will be the full story, hopefully. It will stop when i run out of ideas.
      Fairy and Snowflake: Underwater Alphas
      Fairy was an otter. Snowflake was a polar bear. They were both underwater alphas. They were in the Underwater Alpha HQ, and nothing had happened for 5 whole weeks! So they went out to make an adventure of their own. They went to Deep Blue. They went into a small cave. As soon as they went in, something pulled them farther into the ocean.As they were pulled underwater, they began to feel weak. They were running out of air! Just by using her last bit of strength, Snowflake realized a phantom was pulling them down a large tube. "I bet they are taking us to an underwater lair..." Snowflake said using her last little bit of air. Then, everything went black.They awoke in an unbreakable cage. There were phantoms everywhere! Fairy looked over at the throne, but there was no phantom king there. There was a giant shark! "Oh no! We have to save that shark!" Snowflake said. "There is nothing you can do to stop us from taking over Jamaa! That shark is ours now!" A phantom said. using their staffs, they shocked the phantom and he fell to the ocean floor. Then they zapped the shark, but he didn't fall! He turned into a normal shark! he helped them fight off the phantoms. they all swam back to Underwater Alpha HQ, where Tavie was swimming there, flippers crossed. She was obviously annoyed. "I know this looks bad, but we helped this shark! He was ruling the phantoms, but he was phantomized! After we made him normal, he helped up fight the phantoms! We think he should be the new Shark alpha." Snowflake said. "Alright, what is your name?" Tavie asked the shark. "Major." The shark responded. "Alright then. Major, I pronounce you the new Shark Alpha!" Tavie said. And then, Tavie, Snowflake, Fairy, and Major fought off the phantoms, together. THE END!

  4. Can't come as usual, the problem with time zones... My mom plays AJ too, she's Cottontailcutie12345. She mostly likes adventures!
    ♥ Princess Fancyeagle

    1. Yeah. Sometimes time zones are tricky!
      Oh cool!! I've met another person and their mom plays AJ. I guess it's somewhat normal LOL

    2. Btw BAD NEWS! it's very bad! Ever heard of Fman122? He's BACK! I'll tell you the story. So, I watched Beppers video titled. The Truth About Fman122 and she met his other account because his main was banned, the user was abracadabraalakazam. And she said that he did some really weird 'glitches' such as he had LOTS of ppl at his den (because he was rare) Then he asked Bepper if she wanted to go to a different den. She said yes thinking it was like a joke. But then he swicthed it to the VOLCANO DEN! And NO ONE was there! They talked for a little about random things then when he switched the den back to normal the ppl will still in conversations like nothing happened! She also said that he later confessed to being Fman122, and she believes him, because he did some crazy glitches! Watch the video, anyway back to me! So I went to his den. And some of ppl were there too (btw the video did not happen long ago really recent) A then a panda came and said I will trade you rares, at that momment, Everyone just got the feeling that he was fman122 he was a new jammer with a panda, and black x eyes to make it look like he doesn't have any eyes, Anyway then I asked him to confess it was him (I was on my storage I didn't want to get hacked) Then he said If you give me a founders and rare worn I will. Then everyone started shouting IF YOU WERE NEW YOU WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THOSE! Then he went out of the den. He kept on trying to trade a wood table (the one new jammers start out with) And he did it like 10 times then SUDDENLY HE HAD THE PINK RARE GLOVE! And my friend's glove was missing! That was proof enough to EVERYONE that he was a wolf in sheeps clothing, pretending to be an innocent new jammer, but was really... FMAN122 DUN DUN DAHHHH! He also took some other items. Then I told everyone to take everything off their list. This has nothing to do with this, but then a grey arctic wolf said someone is bashing (meant to say banging) on my door. and she also said Where is my dog? And she was very scared I almost started crying I was very scared for her. Then suddenly she was.. logged out. I don't know what happened maybe I never will.....Anyway then Fman122 (or abracadabraalakazam or New Jammer) went to my other invesigating friend's den he took all of his diamond items! Then he went to my stoarge's account den, EVEN THOUGH OUR DENS WERE LOCKED!!!!!!! And took one of my animal trophies! O.O BEWARE!

  5. I just ask the time zone expert (aka Gracie and Coolcat lol) OR I try to look it up on my own, which lemme see if I can get it right lol but I know on my time it's 9:00 lol

  6. OH WAIT MAYBE I CAN COME! IT'S ON A SUNDAY! YAYYY (I hope there is a hockey game or something) Because Sunday is family movie night!

    1. uh sarahkey8 there is no hockey on sunday
      we won't be able to come


  7. btw I have a better cat face XD =^.^= MEOW! lol I always wondered what :3 meant in a way if you had 1 dot instead of 2 then it would look like a kissing face XD

  8. Btw I figured out how to tell what time zone you are in! Say if I lived in... Texas. THen I would do what time is it Texas. Then it would be CDT I think! XD

  9. Aww man... I'd love to come, but I'll be gone on vacation for the fourth of July, so I won't be able to make it! :( Next time.

  10. Hi guys! It's me, DXplorergirl! :3 Likin' the kitty face! One more tip, the italics code goes (without any # signs, hope this works!) (on) <#em#> (off) <#/#em#>. :P Ida's comin' soon, don't worry! Oh! The absolute WEIRDEST thing happened to me on AJ today! Here's the letter I sent through Jammer Central, I think it tells the story best. Dear AJHQ, please read this through, I think it may be important. I was in a Jammer's beta store den, and there weren't too many betas there. The Jammer, (edited username), claimed a Mechanical Portrait was beta when it wasn't, but that could simply be misinformation. I politely informed them that it was in stores last year, and that was the end of that bit. Afterwards, I was still shopping, and I saw a strange wall in their den. I asked about it, and she said it was beta, and said she wanted to give it away. I asked her to put it on trade so I could see the name and look it up on the AJ wiki. Though she said it "would not let her", she still tried. As she did this, I searched "wall" on the AJ wiki, and could not find a picture of it. I came back to my AJ tab, where (edited username) said, "put something really good on and i'll trade it to you." I said, "no thx i smell something fishy," unbuddied her, and SKEEDADDLED. :laugh: I took a screenshot first, though. Here it is. I did not report in case I was wrong, but it's got me rattled a bit, I'll admit. Hope I helped you some! :) - Karalee/DXplorergirl on the Daily Explorer. (end of letter) Scaryyyyyyyy!! :O :O :O

  11. WARNING FMAN122 is back in shape of a NEW JAMMER! -sarahkey8

  12. Can you maybe do a post about the Warning of Fman122? Or someone like him? But I am 100% sure it's him!

  13. btw when I was on and you went on again srry I didn't answer the JAGS, i was doing art

  14. Sadly i wont be playing Animal Jam today. I got suspended for no reason! Can everyone buddy my backups? They are Backup55, and Ajisawesome911. They are both non member.

  15. Ok will do! One time my brother got banend for trying to say youtube, he sad you to and got banned for a day lol


Hey there! Thank you for choosing to comment on AJFC! Before you comment, please read and follow these rules.
1. No inappropriate comments.
2. No foul language.
3. No spam/constant advertising.
4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
7. Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!