
Friday, July 1, 2016

Story Challenge!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Today I have an exciting challenge! A challenge to create your own story! You must create a story based around this photo below.

Here are the contest rules! 

1. This contest is just for fun. No prizes will be given. Your username (or blog-name) and story will be featured on AJFC though.

2. This story should be based around how Jamaa was created. 

3. This story must be your own. Please do not copy other Jammer's work. 

4. Please do not include any language, inappropriate content, magic, or horror in your story. If you do, your story will not be entered into the contest. 

5. You are only allowed to enter once, sorry!

6. You may submit your stories today 7/1/16 (July 1st 2016), until 7.10.16 (July 10th 2016). 

7. Please write stories between the word limit of, 175-250 words or so.

8. Have fun! Don't be stressed out about writing a story. Just ask God for help, and relax. 

Please enter your submissions in the comments. I will have 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place winners! So your chances are pretty high in winning!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 20:22 

Don't say, "I will get even for this wrong." Wait for the LORD to handle the matter.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Will enter when I have more time!
    ♥ Princess Shybunny

  2. Btw. mine is kinda based off some lore, is that alright?? -sarahkey8

    1. I don't quite understand. Sorry!
      Is it Animal Jam lore about the making of Jamaa?

    2. Yeah, but I'm just useing some of it. Also my story might be a little beyond the word boundries. srry about that! -sarahkey8

    3. Here is mine!
      The Phantoms overtook Zios into the portal. Mira dove after him.... Lets start a littttle back Okay? Zios was the sky father. Eventually he wanted someone to be his partner. He created Mira, a Grey Heron. They fell in love and created Jamaa together. Jamaa was a very beautiful place. They made different bioms in Jamaa. First there was Jamaa Township, which changed with the seasons. Second, was The Temple Of Zios. A swamp like land, Then Sarepia forest. The forest of Jamaa. Coral Canyons, a mountain place. Crystal Sands, a beachy place. Appondale. I think it's savnnah. Kimbara, a deserty place. Mt. Shiveer snowy arctic place. Next was for the sea. Crystal Reef, Bahari Bay, Deep Blue, And Kani Cove. Then they created all sorts of animals, sloths, pigs, bunnies, tigers, pandas, koalas, foxes, horses, monkeys, and more! They all danced in the sunshine, had bonfires, roasted mush-mellows, had picnics. But, for some unkown reason, Zios left.. Mira's tears created a six legged race. The Phantoms. The animals started fighting, and took their heartstones from the Chamber Of Knowledge. Except The bunnies, tigers, pandas, koalas, and monkeys. The Phantoms stole the Heartstones. Whenever the Phantoms took hold of a Heartstone their entire race would disappear. Inless of course, they were not fighting. But even the children of Jamaa were fighting. Mira went searching for animals who were not currpt. And it was our world, Earth, that she found them. Greely the wolf. Kosmo the koala. Graham the monkey. Peck the bunny. Sir Gilbert the tiger. And Liza the panda. They gathered the non fighting animals and fought the Phantoms. Suddenly Zios came back. And they all fought the Phantoms into a portal. But the Phantoms overtook Zios into the portal. And Mira dove in after, They recovered lots of Heartstones, and also restored Jamaa. How do I know all of this? I was there... I was one of the few animals who did not fight. I was only a small cub though, my name.. Snowflake Stronfox.

      (Also, can you maybe add a word count so I can tell? Thanks!) -sarahkey8

  3. Dang, I'm not sure I can make it to the party tomorrow! I am having a play date with my bestie. It is our first play date! I know, it's funny, go ahead, laugh, I don't care. :D Oh, a cool thing i figured out yesterday! if you type :)) you get the same emote as the :laugh: emote! Oh yeah, my signature on here is a robot kitty! XD [=*-*=]

    1. I wouldn't laugh :) that sounds like fun! I hope you have a great time!

  4. ROBO KITTYS ATTACK!!! [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=][=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=] [=*-*=]

  5. Here's my story!

    A long time ago, the animals of what is now Jamaa didn't get along. They lived in villages for their species only, and one of the citizens was a curious young rabbit named Princess Shybunny.
    Princess loved to play. However, she had never been outside of her home. Every day, she would ask her parents, "Can I explore outside our village?" But they always responded, "No, it's too dangerous out there. There are wolves and tigers that might eat you." Princess's parents didn't name her well. She had no fear of the other animals. One day, she finally decided she would go out anyway.
    Princess came across many villages, but most of them were ruins covered in pollution. Wondering what could have happened, she eventually went in one, finding dead plants and toxic slime covering everything. A black creature with tentacles and a single eye came flying over. When Princess saw it, she screamed and ran back home.
    "Black flying monsters are attacking!" she yelled. At first everyone thought she was just playing, but the polluting creatures flew in, chasing in the other animals. Each species had brought a crystal. Princess's mother got a similar crystal, and they all hid in her burrow.
    All of the sudden, six magical animals - one of each species - showed up. They introduced themselves as the Alphas, and attacked the monsters back. Soon the black creatures went back into their portals. After the attack, the species got along again, and made a land called Jamaa.

    250 words exactly. Also, I didn't refer to the Phantoms by their names because Princess wouldn't have known they were called that.
    ♥ Princess Shybunny

  6. XD They look cuter in real life then they would in an emoji! [=*-*=]


  8. OK, here is my story!
    Long ago, phantoms ruled all of Jamaa. From the tip of Mt. Shiveer to the bottom the Deep Blue. Mira and Zios had been captured, and were forced to watched the beautiful land they had created be destroyed. They hated every second of it. "Zios, you can contact the animals from here, search the world to find any animal that can help us." Mira said. "Will do" Zios responded.
    Using his super scenes, he found the animals we now know as the Alphas. He sent a note to them telling them to make it to Jamaa as fast as possible. The journey was long a treacherous, but they had made it. They were scared, but Zios gave them special crystals called Heartstones. The heartstone's power gave them courage, as well as new special powers. Using these newfound strengths, They fought off the phantoms, freed all the captured animals, including Mira and Zios. Together they rebuilt Jamaa, and made it even better then before.
    THE END!!
    I hope you like it!


Hey there! Thank you for choosing to comment on AJFC! Before you comment, please read and follow these rules.
1. No inappropriate comments.
2. No foul language.
3. No spam/constant advertising.
4. Please do not spark any drama. Animal Jam is mean't to be a fun place.
5. No personal information.
6. If you choose to comment under anonymous, please state who you are (your username, what your online friends call you, etc.)
7. Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!