
Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth Of July! *Beware This Is Probably The Longest Post I've Ever Done*

Happy Fourth Of July Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! As you can see in the title, this is going to be the longest post I've ever done! Which is sorta exciting! Alright.. Lets start of with a Fourth Of July Story!

Fourth Of July Miracle

Hiya! I’m a girl named Enchanted Daisylilly. I live in Jamaa. I’m a Arctic Wolf with a big love for family. I’m going to tell you a story. A story of my amazing Fourth Of July Miracle. Well, here it goes! It felt like it was yesterday.. Mainly because it was yesterday. Yesterday was July 3rd 2016. I was in my room, staring out my window that overlooked the driveway. “Where is he!” I asked myself as I started to pace. I was waiting for my Dad. Well you see, he's in the Army, learning how to fight against the phantoms. And we don't get to see him very much.. “We” as in me and my Mom. Anyways, he promised to see us on Fourth Of July. This Holiday was so special to us. It was special because we always gave each other hand-made gifts, and would watch the parade that my Aunt put on. The whole town would gather around to see all the floats. It was sorta like the Macy’s Day Parade, but smaller. I looked at the clock. It was already 3:00 PM! “He was supposed to get here two hours ago..” I mumbled under my breath. Suddenly, my iPhone played my favorite song, “On Fire”. It always played that song when my Dad was calling. That song meant so much to me. My Daddy used to be a Christian, he was on fire for God. But then he started to drift away… After a long deep conversation with him, he decided he wanted to follow after God again. And he really, truly, meant it. I started to see a change right off the bat. What a transformation right? Any who. I picked up my iPhone and slid my finger across the answer button. “Hello?” I asked in an excited tone. “Hey sweetheart..” My dad replied sounding sad, and a bit mixed emotional. “Whats wrong Daddy?” I asked nervously. “I hate to break it to you but.. I can’t come for Fourth Of July.. My- I guess you could say “boss”- won’t let me leave. I tried to talk him into it but he just won’t let me leave!” He explained sadly. I felt as if my heart just broke into a million pieces. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I couldn’t control it. “But we’ve always spent Fourth Of July with you no matter what..” I said, obviously crying. “Sweetie don’t cry.. Maybe we can call or- Uh-oh.. I gotta go. Gotta train some more. Im really sorry. Bye!” He quickly hung up. “I didn’t even get to say goodbye..” I said in a low voice as I set my phone on my nightstand and wiped my tears. I lied down in my bed and cried. Ya ya I know. A young lady shouldn’t cry. But I couldn’t help myself! This would be the worst Fourth Of July ever! Suddenly, my Mom cracked my door and asked, “Wanna do some poppers before I start dinner?” I wiped my tears and yelled a big “NO!” My Mom opened my door and looked at me in shock. Apparently she saw I was crying right away. “What happened?” My mom asked with a look of shock on her face as she sat on my bed. I sniffed, sat up, and wiped my tears. “Daddy called.. He won’t be able to come for Fourth Of July..” I said looking at her. She looked into my blue eyes and sighed. “I got a call from him a little bit ago and he told me. He said he was calling you next..” My Mom said sadly. I just started balling again. That night me and my Mom set off some fireworks. Even that didn’t put a smile on my face. Mom sent me to bed early since I’d have to get up early to see the parade, and go to bed late to watch fireworks. As I lied in bed, my thoughts drifted to my Dad. “How could his “boss” do this to him… He knows that my Dad has a family, and Fourth Of July is important to us..” I thought as I tossed and turned in my bed. An hour later, I fell into a deep sleep. “Wake up! We’re gonna be late!” A woman’s voice said as she pushed me trying to get me to wake up. I opened my eyes to see my Aunt! “Aunt Linda?” I gasped and rubbed my eyes. I threw my arms around Aunt Linda and kissed her cheek. She smiled and patted my leg. “You need to get up and dressed Enchanted! You slept in!”Aunt Linda exclaimed. “Oh goodness! What time is it?” I asked my aunt as I grabbed my glasses and put them on my face. “6:30 AM. We need to leave at 7:00 AM!” My aunt said as she pulled my bed covers off me. I blushed a little as she revealed my teddy bear print pajamas. Yes, I love stuffed animals.. I collected them ever since I was a little cub. We both burst out in giggles. Aunt Linda left my bedroom and I put on a red shirt with a star on it, and a pretty blue skirt with little fake diamonds on the bottom. I quickly put my long blonde hair in pigtails and went out of my room, and down the stairs. “Ready?” My mom asked with a smile. Mom was wearing a gorgeous dress that had red white and blue. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. “Yep! Oh my you look beautiful!” I exclaimed as I stared at her dress. “Thank you!” Mom replied. Before we left, I decided we should pray. Mom and Aunt Linda agreed. “Dear Lord.” I started. “Please let us get to the parade safely, and keep dad safe today.. I really miss him..” Tears started coming to my eyes but I refused to cry. “Let us have fun, and let us have a great day! Amen!” I finished. “Amen.” Mom and Aunt Linda said in unison. We walked out the door, into the car, and down the road. Suddenly, I realized something that I completely forgot. I was gonna sing the opening song at the parade! Another reason why I would miss Dad so much. A few minutes later, we got to the parade grounds. We got out of the car, and sat on the grass. Aunt Linda opened a picnic basket she brought and gave Mom, and me a doughnut. We gobbled them up, then I stood up. “I gotta get in the parade line. I’m gonna sing the opening song. Remember?” I said proudly. “Oh yes! Hurry dear!” My mom exclaimed. I ran to the parade line, and saw the opening float where I was gonna sing. I realized it was an Army Float! And you know who I saw on the float? My Dad! I hopped onto the float and gave my Dad the tightest longest squeeze you could imagine. Tears rolled down my cheeks. “I know you would find a way to come!” I said with a smile as I straightened up. “I had this planned for a few months now.” He said with a smirk. I grabbed my microphone and held it tightly as the parade began to start. When we reached the crowd, I started to sing our National Anthem. And to my surprise, my Dad joined in! He always thought he was a horrible singer. But to me, I think he sings beautifully. That night we went to the fireworks show. My Dad stayed with us for 2 whole weeks! It was hard to say goodbye when he had to go back to the Army, but it surely was, a Fourth Of July Miracle! 


Comment below on what you think! Now.. Today I'm going to take you on a road trip! I'm going to recognize all 50 states! Lets get this road trip started!





























New hampshire 

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota






South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia



All of the 50 states on one photo!

And I couldn't forget the United States Of America Flag!

America is a great country isn't it? 

Heres todays Bible verse!

John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

Remember, God made YOU!

UPDATE: I don't think this is the longest post.. Oh well!


  1. Just wondering, is the story you told in AJ version? Did that happen to you? P.S
    My brother is in the Army. He only has a year left! Though he might stay in South Carolina sadly. But he will be able to visit us a LOT more often. -sarahkey8

    1. This is told in AJ Version :).
      That's really neat about your brother! One of my brothers is far away too :( but he's not in the Army

  2. i dont know any of the states and i respect our religion even though its not mine I JUST SAID THAT IN PUBLIC :{


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