
Saturday, July 9, 2016

A New Story!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! Today I've got BIG news! I'm releasing the first chapter to my brand new story! This one is a little different though.. Its not about Blossom and the gang, this one is about a role-play me and my best friend CoolCat have been doing! Its very exciting and adventurous! Its called "Lizzy's Diary: A Journey For Hope". Here we go!

Chapter 1: Meet Lizzy

Hi everyone! I’m Elizabeth Davis. Everyone calls me Lizzy though. Anyways, today I’m well, going to tell you the story of my life. My incredible journey that I treasure. Well.. Here I go. I was a poor girl living in the village that the Kingdom family owned. I lived with my mom, Amanda, and my father, Mark. But one day, my dad died from the flu. We couldn’t afford any medicine. Though I knew we had some money in savings. Amanda would not get the money out. At the time I had no idea why. But that comes later in the story. Anyways. Two years later Amanda turned well.. Mean. So mean it was unbearable. I guess she was overwhelmed by the death of my father. I ran as fast as I could to the Kingdom Family’s home. Me and the King’s Daughter were best friends. So I knew I was always welcomed. Well, I guess I knew I was welcomed cause I have the key to their castle. I ran up the stairs to my best friends bedroom. Every piece of furniture in her room was pink. Princess was sitting on her pink bed that had a small bunny stuffed animal on it. “Hi Lizzy!” Princess exclaimed as I sat down on a small sofa sectional. “Princess? I have a big favor to ask you.” I said with that mischievous smile only I could do. “Sure!” My friend said with a smile. Princess had a bright pink headdress and a pink worn blanket on her. “I need to move in with you.” I said very seriously. “What!!! You cant do that!!” Princess said as she stood up in shock. I sighed. “You don't understand.. My father died, and my mom is mean. I wanna move out!” I said trying to sound sad. “Elizabeth Davis! Your only 13! You cant move out!” Princess said putting her hands on her hips. I was getting annoyed. I really thought she would agree to that. My plan obviously failed. “Fine. I guess you just don't care about me…” I said as I flashed a look of anger and distress at her. I headed down the stairs, and back home. I had a plan. As I headed back home, I saw a homeless boy who looked only 16 or so. He lowly smiled at me as if he knew me. He was tall with a golden hat. He had a black shirt and grey pants. For some reason, I felt as if I had seen him before. I shrugged and continued on my way to my house. I opened the door and went across the hall to my room. I looked at my iPhone and saw it was 8 PM. I decided to take a little nap. I lied down on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up and saw it was 11 PM. I crept out of my room, out the door, and headed back to the Kingdom Family’s castle. I slowly went up to Princess’s room and managed to pick up Princess. If you can’t tell by now, I was “attempting” to switch places with Princess. After all, we did look similar. Suddenly, Princess woke up and let out the loudest scream. I accidentally dropped her on the floor and plugged my ears. And the worst thing happens.. The King comes in Princess’s room and chases me outside with a broom in his paw. The King was in his pajamas that had crowns on it. I couldn’t help but giggle. I ran back home and was face to face with Amanda. “What were you doing young lady?!” Amanda asked with her eyes wide. I cringed. “I was um.. Saying hello to my friend!” I lied. If only I did say hello then I wouldn't have lied… Lesson learned! Amanda looked at me strangely. She shook her head. “Being out of the house past curfew means extra chores you know..” Amanda said still looking at me strangely. “Yes Ma’am.” I said as I raced toward my bedroom. I slowly shut the door and sat down on my bed. Not only did my plan not work, I have to do more chores. I wanted to just cry. “Nothing ever works out..” I said sobbing. Suddenly, I heard something. It sounded like someone was opening the front door! I peeked out of my door, and saw Amanda put on a black cape and run out the door! She also had a mysterious gray and white collar on.. What could she be doing?

Comment below to tell me what you think of this new release (while following the comments rules though of course)! New chapters should be out every 1-3 weeks. 

Heres todays Bible verse!

1 Chronicles 16:8

Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness. Let the whole world know what he has done.

Remember, God made YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Gracie, is this written in Animal Jam form or a Real life form? I just didn't know. (Fr0zenL0ver)


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