
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How To Get A FREE Animal Jam Toy And One Week Membership Sample, And AJ Toy Update!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with some very awesome news! You can get a FREE Animal Jam Toy sample and a one week membership! Heres how. Click here have your parent(s) or guardian fill out all the info. It will take about 6-8 weeks before you will receive your toy. Pretty cool huh?

Anyways, yesterday, we went to a Walmart that we don't normally go to, and to my surprise, they were had tons of AJ Toys! But for some reason they didn't have the Adopt A Pet Houses. Heres some photos!

(Right side of the display) At this Walmart, these plushies were $4.88, but online, they range from $29.99 to $11.99! I'm not sure if this is a world-wide sale, but if it is, we better get them while the waffles are hot! Uh.. Ignore that remark. 

(Front of the display)

(Left side of the display) Its really odd. Online, the bunny figurine is $24.99! But here its on sale for $4.88 and the original price was $5.88! 

I also have some more weird news. You can now buy AJ Adopt A Pet Toys online! But they are selling for $6.99 and shipping is $6.95! Thats almost as much as the toy itself!

What do you think of this AJ Toy boom? Let me know in the comments!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Matthew 6:33

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. I think this new toy boom is EPIC! :D I can't WAIT to get them at my Walmart, though the waffles are probably gonna be cold by the time they come to my (secret) location! You did great with this article, I like the writing style! XD By the way, the name on my email on my blog (called DXplorergirl for those of you who don't know) is not my name. It's an email I made especially for the blog, using the name of an AJ character in a longer book I am writing. Thank you for your concern, though. :) Warning me was a thoughtful thing to do.:D See you in Jamaa! (DXplorergirl)

    1. Hopefully the waffles will be warm... Their tastier that way! Lol. I wonder if this Walmart got their prices confused... 😧
      Thank you for the compliments :D! It means a lot to me :)

  2. This is soo cool! It would be a chance for me to make a nm fox! Except of course, I cannot get one til my bday in November which I will be buying 12 month membership.... XD 1 question. How do you choose what type of toy it is? See ya in Jamaa! THE NEW ANIMAL IS REVEALED TODAY!

    (AJ Adventurer)/sarahkey8

    1. Hiya! Sadly, you cannot choose which AJ Toy you will get. But I think you will get one Animal Jam Adopt A Pet Toy!

    2. Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! SLOOOOOOOOOTHS!!! :D :D :D (DXplorergirl)

    3. When I finished, I got redirected to a page for the Princess Castle Fox set, so I think I'm getting that.
      ♥ Princess Shybunny

  3. Btw, I made another account to comment on the daily explorer with. AJAdventurer1. You may be asking why the 1? It's cuz AJadventurer was TAKEN! UGH lol

  4. Wait is this free???? -sarahkey8

  5. OMG i just noticed it's free! (I know I know XD) If my mom says she'll do it then I could get a nm fox! OMG YEH

  6. Does it stop autimatically? plz reply -sarahkey8

  7. (omm I've been commenting a bunch!) Have you listened to Sparrows? IT's by Jason Grey. la la la la la la la la byeeee!

    1. I'm not sure.. Sometimes when I hear songs on the radio i have no idea what the name is 😜

  8. are you going to do the one week membership thing?
    *King Tough Bunny

  9. That membership thing is pretty cool! And also that you display looks EXACTLY the same as the one at my Walmart, and they also didn't have the pet houses. Just one question, is your Walmart near an expo center?

  10. Does the membership stop autamitaclly? plz reply -sarahkey8

  11. PLEASE REPLY does the 1 week of membership stop automatically? (AJ Adventurer)

    1. Hiya! Hmm I'm not 100% sure, but I'm guessing no. Because I don't think it will need your credit card when you enter the membership code.

    2. Okay thanks! If my mom says yes, I'll send you a rare! If she doesn't or send you a BUNCH of JAGS! And um, never talk to you again? unbuddy you??? (lol jk)

    3. btw don't you mean yes? Cuz when you say no it sounds like you need to do your credit card. XD

  12. Wait so it DOES stop automatiacally? plz reply with a simple yes or no. XD (Sparkle Daring Ninja)

    1. My dad filled out the info and it didn't ask for a credit card number. But I have not received my toy and membership yet so I don't know if it will ask for a credit card number when I enter the membership code. So sorry I can't help much!!

    2. It's fine. If it has a credit card thing I'll just keep the toy XD -sarahkey8

  13. Just wondering, where did you hear about this? I never ever heard about this!

    1. My dad saw an ad for the samples when he was looking at the AJ Toys 😄

    2. Oh, okie! How do you do Emotes? -AJ Adventurer)

    3. I don't think they have them at my Walmart yet. I maybe would have seen something for it. But maybe maybe not. I have to wait till my B-day to get one (not counting the sample) *sigh* Oh well. I have like 50 beanie babies! (not joking) two of my brothers and one of my sisters have a bunch too! (I have a huge family of 12, soon to be 13! not counting parents)

    4. I have emotes downloaded on my phone :) I got an app and then you do something in your iPhone settings.. It's sorta hard to explain LOL
      And whoa that's a lot of beanie babies!! I have to many build-a-bears.. Lol

    5. lol, I've been collecting them XD actually probably 45 or 40. Lol

  14. Btw, This is most likely the BEST and most HELPFUL post ever! Ppl, who aren't aloud to have membership because they have to buy it can get it free alone with a toy! :D Andddd THIS IS THE BEST BLOG EVER! (actually the post with me in Jammer Spotlight might be better XD)

  15. Just wondering, when are the winners announced for The Story? It's the 8th now! plz do it (AJ Adventurer)

    1. The winners will be announced on the 10th :D I still need a few more contestants though.. So tell your siblings to join in :D

    2. They prob won't want to. Tell yours! XD

    3. *Looks around side to side and whispers* It was a dark and stormy night.... The end! Lol just kidding! I'll come up with something this afternoon and get back to you :)

    4. Okay! Here's my story! It's 308 words.. Oh well LOL

      I watched as Mira zoomed by me as I stood in a deserted land that is now Adventure Base Camp. I read in the news paper how her friend, Zios, had gone missing and he didn’t even tell Mira where he was going. She was obviously trying to find him. She starting crying. But her tears weren’t ordinary.. Her tears came out in black and purple blobs. When her tears hit the ground, I screamed. Her tears were little creatures that looked like aliens and looked as if they were ready to zap lighting bolts at me. I guess I haven’t really explains who I am huh? I’m a white and teal bunny named Lilly. Anyways. I backed up slowly as the creature came closer and closer. I closed my eyes and silently prayed, “God please help I can’t do this on my own!” As I opened my eyes, 5 animals were in front of me. A panda, monkey, koala, wolf, and bunny. The koala threw a little round ball at the creature and it vanished in thin air. The koala gave me 10 of these balls and whispered, “I call these creatures phantoms.. These balls are called boomseeds and they defeat the phantoms.” I just nodded in total confusion. After defeating some phantoms, I learned that these animals were called the Alphas. I was stunned that all of these animals would join together and become a pack even though they were all different. You see, the animals had to live in separate villages because it was too dangerous to live in one community. Because they didn’t all get along. Anyways, all the animals saw we were working together, and all types of animals helped defeat the many phantoms. We all lived in one community, and we helped build homes and shops. This community was now called, Jamaa.

    5. lol nice story! But you can't enter your the host! lol

    6. TOO LAZY! SORRY!!!!
      CUDDLY6342 <_>

  16. Okaaaaaay... Here goes nothing! Barely squeaked in. Me and deadlines have a love-hate relationship. XD Hope you enjoy!


    Once, there was Jamaa. Nobody really knows exactly how long ago. There were Bunnies, and Wolves, and Tigers, there were Pandas and Monkeys. There were Koalas, too, like me. There was only the Six, and they lived in harmony.

    Jamaa was created by the Programmers, sometimes we call them HQ. They made a world, and gave it wings. It has taken flight, the few of us have multiplied. Fifty million, at the last census! A new species comes every time the Alphas discover new Heartstones, and bring them back to us. What I wouldn't give to be out there with them, discovering new lands, returning Jamaa's lost treasures to where they belong!

    I would have to fight as well. The Phantoms are out there. They took the Heartstones, and imprisoned countless animals inside. They wish destruction on all we are, and they almost got it, once.

    Once, there was a Disaster. The Phantoms came, time out of memory. It was so long ago that almost no one still remembers. A wise Owl has said; "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." We have rebuilt from what was ruined, but how long can that last?

    Today, there is Jamaa, and today, there are Phantoms. They will invade again, and they will come in force. When they come, I will be ready. Will you?
    -Dancing Bravekoala

    1. Hey, how many words is that? My word-count-thing on WordPress seems to have glitched out. :think:


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