
Tuesday, August 2, 2016


Hey, Jammer's!! CoolCat here with another post! And I'm sorry I've been absent lately. But I set up a blogging schedule for myself with the help of Gracie. And my posting days will be every Tuesday and Friday. I have other blog's that I write for so that's why I can't post more! But check back Thursday for a episode of Necklace To Spike Challenge! *No, I have not forgotten about it!*

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this little update! Bye, Jammers. And remember, ~Jam On!~


  1. No need to worry about absence, I actually haven't played AJ in at least a week, I'm getting bored with it because all they ever add is new diamond things to buy...
    ♥ Princess Fancyeagle (I think)

    1. I wish you would play..

    2. It looks by AJ's Instagram that there will be a new adventure tomorrow! Expect me to be on for that :D
      ♥ Princess Fancyeagle (I'm still not sure DX)

  2. My grandma passed away today... :( :( :( :( :( :( -AJ Adventurer

    1. I'm so so sorry! Mine passed away this year too. It's a painful time, but God is in control of everything. Ask God for comfort in your family :)

    2. Btw Gracie done with your pig. I CAN"T WAIT TILL I GET MEMBERSHIP

  3. I'm very sorry to hear about your grandma! I will be praying for you and your family. :)

  4. Oh btw, Gracie after I introduced you to the 'Trophy Army' you know how I left quick after I said gtg? It was because my Uncle came over (Cuz my grandma's death 2 days again :( ) Just to clear that up -AJ Adventurer)


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