
Friday, August 5, 2016

Jammer Spotlight #6 - Arcticstar8404, And Summer Carnival Challenge Winners!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with another Jammer Spotlight! I'm really sorry I haven't been doing these lately. I will try and do this every week again!

Anyways, this weeks Jammer Spotlight is Arcticstar8404!

Congratulations Arctic! I'm also proud to say that she is now my "boss" for Animal Jam Community!

Now time for the second topic! As you may or may not know, June 1st I had a Summer Carnival Challenge! The goal was to get a score of 8,000 on Phantom Ball. The contest ended July 31st, and we had 2 winners! 1st place was Ja983, who got a score of 8,015, and 2nd place was Sparkle Daringninja, who got a score of 8,000! Congratulations guys! 

If you did not participate in this contest, don't worry! I plan to have more contests in the near future. 

I hope you enjoyed todays post! 

Heres todays Bible verse!

James 2:13

There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Congrats guys! AND YAY YOU FINALLY DID JAMMER SPOTLIGHT :D -AJ Adventurer

  2. Congrats, winners!! :D I am excited for when you make another contest. ^.^

    And just so you know, I tagged you on my blog, Animal Jam Jumble. :)

  3. Today was AMAZING Me, my sis, and my Aunt (my mom went to but didn't ride cuz she's pregneat) WENT..... DRUMROLE PLZ

    HORSE BACK RIDING it was our first time too! (well not my aunt's XD) My aunt had uh i forgot.... XD Named Nickey and my sis had Nickey's sister Ninnah (Thats how you spell it I think) Pronounced Nean-ah ;) And I had an AMAZING Quart Horse named Jazz, she was a Palmino color I think. And had white hooves. (no stockings) SOOO FUN! Then my sis and Aunt's horse was black with a (star?) marking and white stockings. SOO FUN :D -AJ Adventurer

    1. Fun, I do horseback riding as a sport! I also got all 3 of the new rare hyena plushies. :)
      ♥ Princess Shybunny


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