
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Necklace To Spike Update! And A New Challenge?!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! And today I have some exciting news! First I will walk you through how my Necklace To Spike Challenge went. Then I will tell you about a new, fun, easy challenge! First up, the Necklace To Spike Challenge.

I had just bought my necklace on my storage account. I was ready to trade! About after ten minutes of declined trades, it hit me that this would be harder then I thought. But a short time later, somebody accepted my trade for their purple AJ Wristband! I was so happy! It was just what I needed to keep going. So I started trading with my AJ Wristband now.

TIP: If you buy some Non-Member clothing, it may make you look more knowledgeable about the game. Thus having people look at your trade list.

A short time later I traded for someone's orange Moon Necklace for my AJ Wristband and they accepted! That gave me the push to trade just a tiny bit more. So I was walking around Jamaa and found someone with the perfect item on trade! I sent the trade and braced myself. And then.....

 Tune in this Friday to find out what happened!! :)

Okay now onto my new challenge!! This isn't the type of challenge like the Necklace To Spike Challenge where it can be a drawn out process. It's more of a easy laid back challenge. So I wanted to have something else to talk about other then a Necklace To Spike Challenge update. But I was stumped on a topic! So I walked into Jam-Mart Clothing for some inspiration. And as I was flipping through the items, I seen two clothing items that I really liked and thought they were unique. Those items were the Turtle Shell, and the Pie Hat. Then an idea just came to me!! Why not have a challenge where the Jammers can chose between the Turtle Shell, and the Pie Hat to make an awesome look with! So that's going to be this weeks challenge! You have to make a really awesome look using either the Turtle Shell, or the Pie Hat! Let me know what you came up with down in the comments! Also, let me know if you want me to do this weekly with different items. I think that would be fun! Check back Friday for a new post!

 As always, bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~



  2. How bout a purple pie on my purple pig outfit? XD

  3. Ok done, Snowflake Muddy Pig thats the animal I'm entering. :)

  4. Guys I watched one of Aparri's videos and found CAMI'S USERNAME she has like 20 Cami's Frogs XD her user issss wildexplorercami :D


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