
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Sir Gilbert's Palace Update!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here with a new Animal Jam update! Heres the first page of the Jamaa Journal.

As you can see, theres a new den out! Its called Sir Gilbert's Palace. This is probably one of my favorite dens! Heres an overview of the den. 

I find it pretty interesting that AJHQ keeps going with an Alpha Den theme. So far theres a den for Cosmo, Greely, Peck, and Sir Gilbert. I wonder if there going to make dens for Liza and Graham too. 
Now for the next page! 

Rhinos have returned to Animal Jam! They are being sold for 1,000 gems. But, they are for Members only. 
Now for the next page. 

On the left side of the page, it says that its Animal Jam's sixth Birthday! And their having a party to celebrate! Heres some pictures of the party! 

When you go to the party, and walk upstairs, to the right theres a little shop! Heres what they sell. 

On the first page, theres adorable Alpha Balloons! I was very excited when I saw these. 

On the other side, theres Alpha statues! 

Upstairs, theres a clothing item shop! Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of the items they sell. 

Upstairs, theres a big candle! 

On the other side of the Jamaa Journal, it says that when you enter the code: AJBDAY6 you get a present! The present is this cake: 

You have to keep clicking different areas of the cake to get it this size. 
Now for the next page! 

It says that a new Lemur hearthstone was discovered! I can't wait for them to come out! 
Now for the next page! 

On this page, it says the Llamas are going to be leaving Jamaa, September 15th. So get one while you still can! 
Lets take a look at the next page! 

It says that the Summer Carnival is leaving soon. But, all Summer Carnival prizes are 50% off! Honestly, Im not quite sure when the Summer Carnival is going to be leaving. But I'm guessing maybe in 2-4 weeks or so. 
Now for the last page! 

This page is an advertisement for Animal Jam Toys! Ive been collecting a lot of these toys lately. Their my new favorite things to collect! 

I hope you enjoyed todays post! 

Heres todays Bible verse! 

Psalm 119:143

As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands.

Remember, God made YOU! 



  2. Those balloons are adorable though ^,^


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