
Friday, September 2, 2016

The Summer Carnival Is Leaving Soon! Unreasonalble Prices? Plus A Fall Questionnaire!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! So today since the Summer Carnival will be leaving soon, I wanted to talk about it!

Everything is half off until the Summer Carnival leaves. I went to look at the items to see what they had. And even with everything being half off, the prices were still pretty high! The highest priced item I saw was 1,250 tickets for a clothing item, and 750 for a den item. The prices for den items are a lot more reasonable then for the clothing items! If you can't manage to earn enough tickets, you can always play regular games for gems and buy tickets! I do that sometimes cause I only do well on two carnival games. Phantom Ball, and Carnival Darts. Also before the Summer Carnival ends, I like to buy lots of tickets so I'm stocked up for next summer!

Also, it's finally September! Which means summer is sadly coming to an end. I have to say, this summer was great! But I'm really looking forward to fall. September brings lots of things. Back to school, cooler weather, pumpkin spiced lattes, and the holidays! So that got me wondering. When will Animal Jam change the games season from summer to fall? I can't wait to see the Animal Jam's season change!

Before I end this post, here is my fall questionnaire and my answers! 

1. Are you happy summer is over or sad? I would have to say I'm in the middle!
2. Are you excited for back to school? No, no, no, and NO.
3. Have you broke out your Christmas CD yet? I have to say that I have!
4. Are you excited for the holidays?  I sure can't wait!
5. Do you like Pumpkin Spiced Lattes? I love them!

And that concludes my fall questionnaire! Comment down below with your answers!

As always. Bye, Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. Yeah, those prices are HIGH! XD

    Oh, what fun! A questionnaire!
    1. Are you happy summer is over or sad? Yes and no.
    2. Are you excited for back to school? Kinda, yet NO.
    3. Have you broke out your Christmas CD yet? Nope, not yet!
    4. Are you excited for the holidays? Uhh, kinda. I feel like they just happened...
    5. Do you like Pumpkin Spiced Lattes? I don't think I've ever tried one. But probably no. I don't like pumpkin or spicy pumpkin. XD

  2. Srry I wasn't on yesterday (or commenting) I was sick with a fever. I was in bed allll day. Then at night I threw up :( Today I am feeling much better. FINALLY

    1. Hmmm... idk?
    2. Never left XD
    3. i actually don't have any.. But I am starting to listen to Christmas music. ;)
    4. Yes! My bday is on Thanksgiving this year. So the black Friday sale of diamonds for memberships (assuming I'm getting membership) I have 37 diamonds. ALL DAH DIAMONDS! XD ;)

    5. Never had it..

    I am soo bored on AJ right now. COME ON SOMEONE XDD

  3. Ooh! I'd like to fill out that questionnaire as well!
    1. Yeah probably, the only thing is school is starting in 2 days so that sucks :(
    2. lol, absolutely not.
    3. Nah, I save those for late November.
    4. Of course I am! Highlight of the year!
    5. I've never tried them actually, but I should.


  4. (MYTH)
    1. I say in the middle
    2.yes very much I've been in school for 3 weeks
    4. Absolutely
    5/ and of course the are da best


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