
Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Adventure Of The Frogsloth, Entry One

Hiya, Jammers!
There's still some moving-into-a-new-apartment chaos, but I talked Dad into taking me to the library to use their WiFi. 
If all goes well, this will auto-post at 8AM Sunday! (My time, anyway.) 
It's the first installment of a cryptozoology/adventure series. It's written in the first POV, as if it is my diary.

Dear Diary,
I will tell you something very secret. I am on the trail of the elusive creature known as the Frogsloth! *Dun dun dun* 
Often thought a hoax, the Frogsloth is very secretive, and the topic of many heated debates between Jammers in a time gone by. Now, the subject remains closed, for fear of starting something we may not be able to stop. A very few dare to peer deeper into the secrets of this world we call Jamaa, and I am one of them.
Only today, I gathered information from a source that I will not identify, not even here. I learned that the Frogsloth haunts the swamps and jungles of Jamaa. I was even able to obtain one of the only photos of this creature, though it took a hefty sum for  its owner to part from it. I paste it here to keep it safe.
I mean, who's gonna look in my diary, right?
It doesn't look like much, but it's my only clue as to their appearance.
My contact also told me of another Jammer, who is as dedicated to finding the truth about the Frogsloth as I am. We are to meet tomorrow, in a secret place that I will be led to by my contact. I worry a bit about that part, they do not seem like the most trustworthy of Jammers.
That is all that I have to tell you for now. I must close this book and go to sleep. But before I do, I will tell you that I have a premonition that my adventure will not stop at meeting this fellow Frogsloth enthusiast. No, I must go much further before my curiosity is satisfied, before the people of Jamaa can no longer deny the truth about the Frogsloth.
Much further...


  1. I like it!
    King Tough Bunny

    1. Yay! It worked! :D

      Thanks, King! BTW, we won't be able to even TALK to the cable guy until Tuesday! I'm using our mobile hotspot to type this. IT WILL BE DAAAAAAYZ! AAGH! XD XD DX DX XD


    2. Aw :(
      Maybe you can play Animal Jam - Play Wild when your hooked upto the hotspot!
      I hope you can get your wifi up and running soon!
      By the way, will you be able to do a post on Monday? If not it's okay.

    3. Can, and did! I will miss the moderators SO much... :swallows lump in throat: ...But I will get to see you soon, I hope! :D



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