
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Animal Friends Entry 5

The abandon cabin was really an old, run down camp cabin, in the middle of a large clearing in woods. before Mr. Lanes had brought the land there use to be a camp there, but it only lasted a few years and now kids were taking the cabins apart for wood to build forts.The kids mounted their horses and went into the woods, when they got to the clearing Jenny said. "This looks like a good spot” “Yeah" Said James, "it is but where are we going to hide? We can’t really hide in the trees” Philip looking around. He didn’t see anything but then he saw that there was a large rock only a few yards into the woods. “That rock over there,” he said. “What?” James and Jenny said together.“that rock over there," repeated Philip, "we can hide behind it and should still have a good view of the clearing” “Good idea Philip," Said James,They walked over to the rock. James looked at it and then said, “This is perfect there’s a nice flat spot near top and a perfect view of the clearing” “So this is where we’re staying?” Said Jenny, “Yeah" Said James, "for a while” “All right” she said.So the kids sat down and watch the clearing and then they saw something golden again.“I see something golden” whispered JennyThey all looked they saw it to it started to move it walked into the clearing the kids jumped off the rock and slowly walked towards it. And a bird flew up into the sky “Aww" Said James, "It’s just a bird” “I think we should go look for the dog instead of waiting for it” Philip said.“Yeah that would probably be better" Said James.

Cool Animal Fact: Tigers are the largest member of the Cat family

*King Tough Bunny

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