
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Sarah's Birthday Party Pictures!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here! This afternoon, I went to a birthday fun party, hosted by my friend, Sarahkey8! Here's some pictures of it!

Lostfairy went on her backup account, dressed up as Santa Clause (or, Claws?), and gave Sarah here birthday glitch!

(P.S. In these photos I'm on my Mom's account, Littlecooljammer (the pig with Nerd Glasses), because my main account has been given Bubble Chat for the day. AJHQ said I attempted to give out Personal Information. I had my friends guess my age, but that was 6 days ago. I'm not sure what happened.)

Then we "ate" desserts, including.. Muddy Browniez?

After clicking on the Turkey on the feast table, I realized it was still pink. I warned everyone that this was not safe to eat.

After we "ate", we went inside to have cake, and sing Happy Birthday to Sarah! I think I was singing a bit too loud...

When the party was over, me and Sarah hung out for a bit, then I had to go. 

Thank you for inviting me to such a wonderful party! 

People who came: 

Lpslover98989 (Fr0zenWarrior)

Remember, if you missed this party, there will be more in the future!

Heres todays Bible verse!

Psalm 100:4

Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. omg, i just realized on the picture when you guys were singing Happy Birthday it looks like im about to trip. (srry for lack of capital i's XDDDDDDDD)

  2. I missed another party!!??


    *Sigh* Oh well, too late now. Happy birthday Sarah! I'm thinking of making you a picture! ;)

    -swirlshine (school computer)

  3. HEY HEY HEY! I was at the party I was not at it the hole time
    but I was there for a little bit Well more like 11 minutes.


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