
Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Party Walk Through, And Blogger Of The Year Winner!

Good morning Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, posting rather early then usual. The time it currently is, when starting to write this post, is 6:24 AM.. Whew.

I cannot believe it's already 2017! It seems like not too long ago it was Christmas 2015..

How was your night? Did you stay up until midnight? Be sure to comment below!

Any who, let's get started with today's post!

In today's post, I'm going to do a little walk through of the New Year's Party on Animal Jam, incase you couldn't make it!

Here's where you first come in, your getting buried in snow!

Inside the party, there's a clothing shop! Let's take a look at it.

The Pigtail's and New Year's Party Hat, are probably my favorite items in the shop.

In the bottom right hand corner, there's a music shop! Inside is,

Some holiday music!

Upstairs, is another little shop. This one's selling den items. 

Between the clothing items, and the den items, I spent all but 687 gems.. Whoops..

Up from that, is a cute little bridge, where you can watch fireworks from! 

If you slide down the slide, on the right hand side, this is where you'll land! Near a frozen pond. 

What's your favorite part of this party? Be sure to comment down below! 

Onto the second part of this post. 

Yesterday, I extended the Blogger Of The Year poll, to last a few more hours. 

This time, there wasn't a tie! 

So the winner is... 


A big congratulations, to Karalee! 

You won.. 

A Rare Zios Mask! It's waiting for you in your JAG's! 

Enjoy your prize! 

Your picture of your Hyena, will stay on the side of the blog, until January 1st 2018! 

Here's todays Bible verse! 

Zechariah 14:9

And the LORD will be king over all the earth. On that day there will be one LORD-his name alone will be worshiped.

Remember, God made YOU! 

Have a Happy New Year!


  1. Congratulations Kara!! I really love all of your blog posts and I hope your blog gets bigger and bigger every day!

  2. Congrats Karalee! I'm very happy for you! And I'm so sorry Swirlshine that you didn't win! At least your in second place! And also check out my first part of Jamaasian high on my blog: and if u haven't already, go ahead and make your character!

    -Fox (gfox20041aj)

  3. And Gracie, check out my main look! (My arctic wolf)

  4. Oh, my! O.O Thank you all, and thank you Swirlshine! :D You're amazing, girl, and EVERYONE should go and check out your blog! (If they haven't already.) ;)


  5. Guys I'm pretty upset and need prayer. My dad snooped in my phone, criticized me, I am sick and allergic to long haired dogs.

    1. Been praying for you for a while now :3 Things will get better, I promise.

    2. Thank you guys for the prayer, unfortunately I'm not doing very good. I've been coughing up stuff, I have the trots lol, and my tummy is upset. Please continue to pray for me

      -Fox (Gfox20041aj)

  6. Congrats Kara! :D And also congrats Swirl! You made 2nd! :D

  7. CONGRATS KARA! You deserve it!

    And it doesn't surprise me that the pigtails are your favorite item :3

  8. Erm Creepy if ur reading dis I forgive u for earlier :) su yeah we is in peace now

  9. I loveee my new main look and Tysm for ur guys support. Idk what I would do without Gracie, Sarah, Kara, Anna, Frozen, Pin, Swirl, Cool cat, Tiger, and erm I think I listed everyone

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. No I didnt! Also, penguin and custerd


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