
Monday, January 2, 2017

Rare Moon Necklace, And A Partially-Done Masterpiece

Heyyy, Jammers! 😀

Today's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Moon Necklace!

Originally sold in the Summer Carnival, the Rare variant of this item is being sold in Jam Mart Clothing for 650 Gems!

The next piece of my post is a sort of a behind-the-scenes peek of an unfinished Masterpiece. I need to draw a picture of Tox7 next. 😊 Gonna get it done, Tox!

Here it is! The girl looking out at the fantasy-pink-galaxy-ish background is an OC (Original Character) of mine. She's a superhero called Midnight. 😋

I haven't finished the texture or the details (or her hair and costume), so it's far from being sent in. 😉 Still, I wanted to share it with you guys! Hope you like it!

Until next time,



  1. Wow, that background blows me away o.o That's really amazing!

    1. Thanks! C: It was a really pleasant surprise, I used the Airbrush tool to make the body of the clouds/splotches, and then used the Smudge tool to smooth out the gradients and make the clouds "bumpier".


    2. Just.. How.. *eye twitch*

      I almost said RYE instead of EYE. Yes, the rye bread is twitching.

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. Hey Kara! Awesome art! It's me, crazcatlover. Graciepopstar91 left a comment on my blog and she mentioned this blog, so I asked my mom if I could check it out and so here I am :) Can you let Gracie know that I really, really appreciate her comment, but I cannot approve comments with links to external websites? Your blog is awesome but it's in my blog rules so if she could rewrite the comment without the link, that would be great and I could approve it.

    ALSO, I notice you have comment rules below the comments here, I am new to Blogger so I do not know how to do that and it would be REALLY helpful to know how. Could you explain to me how to do that?

    Anyways, your blog is awesome, I'll try to visit regularly :)

    1. Hello, Crazcatlover!

      Whoops! Sorry about that! I'll rewrite that comment :) I um, didn't look at the commenting rules 😳 But I'll be sure to do that next time I comment! 😃

      Aw, thanks! I'm glad you like this blog :D Hope to see ya in the comments soon!

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. (Btw I figured out how to get the comment rules thing on my blog, so you don't need to explain to me how to get it)

  4. Just a heads up guys, my papa is sick, plz pray for him!



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