
Monday, February 6, 2017

Annabellle's Art Organization, Getting 'Adopted', And Fashion Show Day 1!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here!

I'm very sorry I didn't post yesterday! I was very tired, and very busy.

As many of you know, yesterday was the American Super Bowl! Who were you rooting for?

In the end, the Patriots won, at I believe 34-28. They made an incredible comeback!

Any who, I'm sure you don't want to hear me going on and on about football.. So, without further ado, let's begin todays post!


Two days ago, my buddy Annabellle decided to make an art organization! I think it's a really good cause, and I'm proud to say I'm now a member of it! Wanna join? Here's the rules!

So, it seems that Hyenine1, Windycityblues, Bindipom, Celinea9, Floraberrylily6, Littleweapingwillow, Cupcakeceline, *and myself*, will all be taking in donations for people who want to get their art known! And like Anna said, these artist's must give the art donated back, if the people ask for it, and that's just what I'll do.
 Otherwise, it would be sorta a scam for art.

If you would like to join this art organization, please comment on Annabellle's Jammer Wall, using the red color to comment!

Now onto the second part of this post! 

Yesterday, me, Sarah, Historicalhistory, and Custard, all went out and tried to get 'adopted'.. My was that an adventure..

First, we headed over to the pillow room! Sarah's plea for help, cracked me up..

Oh the poor little sheep..

After quite some begging, we got adopted! Here was our happy little family of 7.

But our mother was forcing me to buddy her.. So forth, 

I was locked out. 
Then Sarah was locked out..
Then Custard..
And we lost historical in the mix..

Oh good times..
We tried to get adopted again, but it didn't work.. So we're homeless sheep? I do not know..

Have you had any unusual 'adopting' experiences? Be sure to comment them down below! I'd love to hear them. 

Now for the final part of this post! 

Last week, I was uh, supposed to announce the contestants for the Valentine's Day Fashion Show, but I forgot.. But, today I will be announcing them, and the Fashion Show elimination will begin. 

Comment down below who you think should be out! 

Heres todays Bible verse! 

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. I vote out Snowflake Strongfox. (SORRY SARAH!!!!! :'( )
    I voted her out cause it's a Valentines Fashion Show and she's not Valentiney. XD

  2. Sorry Sarah! Snowflake strong fox is out! It just isn't valitinish.

  3. ? Didn't I submit mine in friendship armor? XD

    1. Well, in the JAG you said Snowflake Strongfox, and it wasn't in friendship armor when I took the picture.. Sorry D:

      Remember, God made YOU!

  4. I vote out Snowflake Strong fox SORRY SIS! BUT I GOTTA GO WITH WHO I THINK IS TRULY GOOD. :P
    Wow I thought a LOT more people would enter, :l
    *King Tough Bunny

  5. snowflake strongfox


  6. sorry i vote out sparkleprettyflower! and the adopting thing.. lol so funny i love doing that! and also pray for me im sick :( -penelopeiscute XD


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