
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Teaser story.

Hey Jammers, you know the new story I told I was going to start after the Fix My Eyes project?
And I asked much you guys wanted it to come? 
I didn't get any option on that. 
And I just want to show you what the first Chapter/ Prologue is going to be like. 
When I really start posting this every other Saturday, I'll do this Chapter/ Prologue again.
Anyway here is the story, PLEASE tell me in the comments what you think about it 
And don't forget I'm doing 2 Fix my Eyes pictures every week to speed things up. :)

Abigail's Wolf
By Ja983


5 and a half year old Abigail was in bed.
Her mom and dad was reading her a story, about a dog.
And the wolf led her home back to his family” Her Dad finished.
Are wolf scary?” Abigail asked a question.
They may seem that way at first, but once you get to know them they get to be your best friend” Her mom said with a smile.
If I found one in the woods could I keep it?”
“probably not, but you never know” Said her dad
Her mom and dad stood up, turned off the lights and said good night.
Abigail said good night, and fell asleep after a few minutes.
But later that night, Abigail woke up to a loud bang!
She looked around and saw that the house was on fire!
She ran to the hall and tried to get into mom and dads room, but a large beam was blocking the door!
Tears came to her eyes as she tried to run to the door. Before she went out she grabbed a picture of her mom and dad with her in front of the house.
She ran towards the woods.
She had never been in her woods before, all around her seemed very spooky, some of the trees were lit up by the flames of the fire.
All of a sudden, there was rustling in the bushes; she backed away slowly.
Then she thought she saw yellow eyes staring at her!
She ran as fast as she could! She heard leaves crunching behind her and the growl of a wolf!
Abigail keep running till she came to a small clearing, while running she looked back and saw 3 wolves chasing her.
Then she tripped over a large rock and skinned her knee!
Looking at her knee and then at the wolves, She hugged the picture of her mom and dad, and closed her tear filled eyes.
As the wolves were closing in another wolf came out from the woods, stood in front of her and growled at the other wolves.
Some of the wolves tried to get around the wolf, but stepped back, once the wolf barked and growled ferociously, the wolves ran away.
Abigail opened her eyes and looked at the wolf, the wolf appeared to be smiling.
It came over to her, and sniffed her face.
Abigail backed away as good as she could.
The wolf tilted it's head, and came up to her again.
Your, your not going to hurt me?” Abigail asked fearfully.
The wolf gave a short happy bark.
Abigail looked around, she didn't know which way was back to her house.
So with the wolves help, she went off into the woods.
That night Abigail and the wolf slept on a mossy rock, even though it was 47 degrees It was still cold, because of the wind and also all Abigail had on was light, short sleeve blue dress with a sparkly butterfly on.
Early in the morning she woke up, the wolf was already up.
She remembered what happened last night,
Abigail looked at how high he held his head high.
And she decide to name him. . . . . King.

All of the heart break

And this is a favor for Pob93
He wanted to show you all his masterpiece, and wondered what you guys thing of it.

Comment call: What do you think of the new story.
What do you think of Pob93's masterpiece?

*King Tough Bunny

Cool Animal Fact: Wolves are the largest members of the dog family.


  1. Great story sis! :D And its a good masterpice :)

  2. Its a good masterpiece BUT MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THE 8'TH!!!!!!
    February FEBRUARY 8!!!!!!!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!



  3. Is the Wolf an AJ Wolf, or a real-life wolf? :D I really like Abigail's dress. It sounds very pretty. :)


    1. Real life wolf.
      Ya Sarah has a dress like that, but it's long sleeve.
      *King Tough Bunny


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