
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Phantom Conspiracy

Hello everyone! Pooky bear here for a monthly conspiracy.
This month it's about Phantoms.
As you know the game Falling Phantoms, is a game where you play as your animal and dodge falling Phantoms (thus the name)
In the game there are big and small phantoms, normal right?
But did you ever notice the volcano in the back round?
(I got hit by the big phantom in the ground trying to take the picture :P)

My theory is that, THAT volcano is the same one in the adventure "The Great Escape" 
and possibly "Greely's Inferno"
Image result for animal jam the great escape volcano
Note the Phantoms coming out. 
I know they don't look the same, but games do that sometimes, where they just kinda change the look.
This is still not quite a complete theory.

But also in the game look!
Do you see the ruins behind? 
Well look at this!

With vines and big trees around! :P
(Thanks for the picture Ja!)

Sorry for the short post, but I couldn't think of what to post about.
What are YOUR thoughts on this theory? Tell me in the comments below!

oh and here is a tip! 
In Falling Phantoms, go into the corner (let's just say the right corner, hit the left arrow key. 
Tell me what happens! 
also another tip, try NOT to go into the corner it's the easiest way to die! 

`PookyBear out!


  1. "The Grate Escape" XDD grate is like something to do with cheese

    1. WHOOOPS!!!
      Sorry bout that, thanks tiger!
      `Pooky Bear

  2. Interesting theory, Pooky! I wonder if they are somehow related.

    Also, would you like me to turn that picture at the bottom of the post into a signature for you? :)

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. Hmm sure!
      Thanks Gracie!
      `Pooky Bear

    2. Okay! I'll get on that when we get home. Currently I'm at my aunts house for a few hours 😜
      Your welcome!

      Remember, God made YOU!

  3. Om, Gracie. I just saw Bepper's newest video.
    You got a spike.


    1. XDDD Yes, it happened last night 😜

      What's the video called? Something trolling people? XD

      Remember, God made YOU!


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