
Monday, February 13, 2017

Rare Heart Balloon, And Much More

Helloooooooo, Jammers! It's Karalee!

Today I don't really have a main theme for my post, so it will be a collection of things I have seen, and wish to share with you! 😀

First up, of course, is this week's Rare Item! It's being sold in Jam Mart Clothing, and is naturally designed to correspond to Valentine's Day tomorrow! (Of course, in the world of Jamaa, the event celebrated is the Friendship Festival.)

I decided to post HQ's art of the item from the Daily Explorer instead of my usual screenshots. Wearing it inside Jam Mart Clothing's Item Preview feature takes off the dress I had on. Not that animals NEED dresses, but... I'm always wearing it. And to have it off - it just looks -  y'know. 😳

The second item in today's mishmash of mini-topics is this beautiful Masterpiece I discovered today, made by Bindipom! The style is so striking, the texture unique, and I found the idea inspiring it to be amazing!

I was so glad she accepted my trade, and am currently displaying it in my den, along with pieces from many other wonderful Jammers!

Thirdly, this punny camping essential....

Fourth, this not-related-to-AJ-but-I-wanted-to-share-it vocabulary word....

Interesting, huh?

Okay, maybe I have a warped sense of humor late at night, but I just submitted this as a Howl and thought it was quite funny....

Any good? 😆

The last part of today's post is a News Crew article I'm submitting to AJHQ! It's a subject near and dear to my Hyena heart, Jamaasian fashion!



Hello Jammers! This is Karalee, reporting for the News Crew!
This article is about the Do's and Don'ts of fashion here in Jamaa! In the real world and the virtual one, fashion isn't just about how you look, it's about expressing who you are.
It took me a long time to find my main look. Before I did, I explored many styles of fashion, including dark-colored and glamorous, adorable and fluffy, and all-out FUN!
Many Jammers have their own idea of fashion, and may think some things are Don'ts, when they can be Do's. Perhaps a buddy of yours thinks that it's bad fashion to wear red flames and Skullys, because they're scary-looking. This is their opinion, and it is fully valid - for them. They wouldn't look good in Skullys, they don't like to wear them. YOU do! It can be a look that expresses your fierce warrior side, or it can be an homage to Jamaa's unique history with this item.
Some Jammers feel like it's "showing off" to wear Rare Spiked Collars. This isn't necessarily true, either. Do you own a Rare Spiked Collar? Great! Can you rock the look? Do! If it's not your thing, that's good too! Keep it around, wait until you can trade it for an item you'd rather wear.
DO make a look that you love. DON'T stop wearing an item because someone tells you it "looks bad". 
These two Do's and Don'ts are all that matters in Jamaa's fashion!
This is Karalee, signing off!
And this is Karalee again, truly signing off. 
(:hearts:, :sneaky:....)



  1. This RIM looks like its original XD And I missed it because lack of gems :P Lol!

    That MP is su goood! :D Bindipom might be the next 'famous' artist. ;)

    OH! So THATS what that means! XDD

    That poem is so true and so beautiful *sniffs* XD

    Great entry! :D I'm thinking of entering that one XD

  2. Haha I know what you mean. When your animal wear a certain outfit and you stick with it-


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