
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Party Pictures/AJHQ Pictures, And Fashion Show Day 3!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here!

As you may or may not know, yesterday was the AJFC Friendship Festival Party! Here's some screenshots I took from the party!

A quick little group picture!

We decided to play mini games! A phantom got me after taking this picture.. Oops.

A game of marbles with my mom, Littlecooljammer!

If you read my post yesterday on Animal Jam Community, you'll know that yesterday, AJHQ was buddying people, in honor of the Friendship Festival. Well, I found them yesterday, and they buddied me! 
So, my friend Binx wanted AJHQ to buddy her too, so I decided to go find AJHQ, and try and get her buddied by them. 
I believe I was saying, "Spread the positivity" or something like that, and AJHQ spoke to me 😰.

I was quite excited 😆.

Then, Gellyjones showed up?

I accidentally cut off her username, oops..
She was going to give out free gifts! My buddies Lostfairy and Custard got an item from her!

Back at my den 😄.

I believe Kara was going on a slight 'brb', so I said 'cri cri byeeeeeee'

Her and Binx came back, and we started a little Bible study!
'letz pray first' 

Done with Bible study!
Kara ended up praying 😊.

Huge thanks to,


For coming!


Later that night, about 1-2 hours after the party, me and my buddies were following AJHQ, and they were visiting dens!

They went to Custards den! Pretty exciting!

Lots of people!

Then, a while later, AJHQ and the others dropped in my den! I was very thrilled!


AJHQ was drowning in a sea of chat bubbles and pixels..


AJHQ said my den was cute! 😲


Before that, AJHQ was starting a dance party at a Jammers den!

I'm sure it was exciting for every Jammer there.


It was pretty neat, if you got buddied by AJHQ, you would get two Positive Player Plaques (one to give to a positive player, and one for you) and a Contest Plaque! 

Comment call: Did AJHQ buddy you yesterday?


And without anymore further ado, here is the moment you've all been waiting for.

The part of posts that I've been lazy to do 😳.

Whose out this time in the Fashion Show!

Sadly, Ja983, A.K.A. Young Glamdress, has been eliminated. Sorry, Ja!

Be sure to comment down below who you think should be out!

I will be announcing who got eliminated tomorrow afternoon.


Heres todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 15:13

A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.

Remember, God made YOU!

Who remembers this supposedly 'leaked' picture of goats? It was photoshopped, but it creeped me out super bad..

Photo found on 



  1. The party was fun for the like 20 minutes I was there XD I'm so sorry I had to leave so soon D:

    AJ didn't buddy me, *cries XDDDD*
    If only I was there for the rest of the party :(

    Oh yeah, I remember XDD

    just in case someone missed it ;)

  3. I got 2 positive player plaques AND the contest plaque, along with the long spiked wristband from Gelly. ;) THANKS AGAIN, GRACIE!!! YESTERDAY WAS MAGICALLLLL!!

    AJHQ did not buddy me but I think they tried. (my buddy list was full, DARN!)

    I vote out Sparkle Prettyflower. Sorry whoever you are!!!

  4. Hey! I was there XD!

  5. I vote out sparkle pretty flower, sorry!


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