
Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sick, 2 more giveaways, and more!!

Hey guys! As you can tell from the title. I am
sick. Stuffy nose, minor sore throat, and nausea. (I refuse to put those in caps even if they belong in caps!)
But anyways sorry if this post sounds well, blunt. ๐Ÿ˜‰  And doesn't have very much punctuation.. Onto the pooosssttt!
Right now, there are two giveaways going on! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 1, Tiger's giveaway. Click here to see Tiger's Blog (And both giveaways XD) And click her to enter Tiger's giveaway! Make sure to subscribe and enter :D And thennnn is Aurioo is doing a massive spiked collar giveaway! And click here to enter that. :P  Also, I have my own version of the Jamaa Map, but I am on the wrong computer! Hehe.

So you guys can see that later. As soon as I get on the right computer.. Next Wednesday I will go through my good friend, Lost Fairy's art gallery! But I cannot do it today because as I said, I am
sick everytime I say sick I have to say it in Italic. Yesterday AJHQ buddied a handful of people! The lucky dogs!/foxes?/bunnies?/Penguins?/deer?  ๐Ÿ˜‹ Sadly, I did not catch AJHQ. Oh well!
Has anyone noticed how long horses have been taking to come back?!
 I really want to get one.
And Pandas are leaving!! 
 This means..
It will be way harder to recruit new cookies!! NOOOOOO! 
Oh wait.
Pandas are leaving..
Horses are exploring...
Tomorrow is the update...
OH. Pandas are going to sit in time out tomorrow
and horses will come back! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ 
That's just how AJ works!
The famous cherry tree is back! 
Lets hope we don't get trapped in masterpieces with that in the masterpiece cage, and then George Washington won't come and chop it while we are climbing! (Don't ask!)  

And. I'm to sick/lazy rn to write another chapter of the Winter Adventure. :P Might edit in later though... And tomorrow is the update! I have no idea what's coming
hopefully horses.
New armor?
New Animal? (Don't you dare AJHQ, give us a new land before a new animal!)
New Land? (Why am I capitalizing some of these subjects and not others?)
New Items?
New promo items?
New pets?
Hopefully I won't be sick tomorrow... :P
And here is my newest masterpiece.

Jazz! ๐Ÿ˜„ It must approve!! Its probably my best! Now that I look at it. The legs are kinda weird :P Oh well. And there's like a black hair on the end of the tail (tale?) But still, I'm in love with it.
Approooveeee! It will be on my art gallery sign at the begging of my den, next to Arctic's horse masterpiece... I am now organizing my art gallery XD
Okay guys, I just found this in my folders..
*screams* ITS HORRIBLE!!!!
This is so old, you couldn't even save. *facepalms* This masterpiece is just horrible. And I remember being so proud, I was like "Mom! Look at this drawing I made! Its really good!" And why does it say AJ on the moon.. And and why is the fox creepy.. And and and, why does the penguins tophat look like it was melted into its head?!  WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Ok, Im done :)
Well, that's all for now Jammers! And remember! Stay safe, Jam On, Play Wild, and remember God made you! Byeee! 
                              JH is coming soon. It will be from my point of view, I plan to have it out sometime in March! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Aww, hope you get better!! D: I am kinda sick too. I've had the fever for the past two days and have been getting dizzy randomly. o,o

    :OOOO YAY!!! MY ART GALLERY IS GONNA GET CHECKED OUT!!! :D Is it gonna be a vid cuz I would love that. CX

    *sobs* The horse didn't come back... sorry Sarah... :(

    Aww, cute masterpiece! :D I'd like to meet Jazz in real life. :)

    Hehe! That old masterpiece makes me laugh. XD

    Can't wait for March now. CX

    1. Its fine XDDD

      On the first day of my sickness I had that too XD

      Of course a video! :D Ja will be in it too (If we aren't sick XD we probs wont be by then though, :))

      *cries XD*
      Thanks! :D The thing is, that would be hard. We are in USA and you are in Canada XDDDDD

      Same lol Its so embaressing.. *cri cri* ;)

      I had an idea. Instad of Jamaasian High Im going to do something called "The Blogger Portal' Kinda like Jamaasian High :)

  3. ya like jazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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