
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

20 Question Tag, Chapter 2 of The Blogger Portal,+RIP ALL MY MASTERPIECES!!!!!!!!! :(

Me: Hi guys :(
You guys: Whats wrong?
Me: I just finished the Hiding Place *cries*
You guys: ... Huhhhh?
Me: They were so close.... *cries*
You guys: O.O
Me: *cries*
Anwaysss hehe. Onto the post! Today I am doing the 20 Question Tag!

1. What's the meaning behind your Animal Jam username?
Well, my older sister (Ja983) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALLLLWAYYYYSSS called me Sarahkey, and I always told her to stop, I hated the name XD But after a long while, I got use to it, and now its pretty much always in my user, and I think I was 8. XD

2. How did you find Animal Jam?
Some friends told me. I love remembering those days.... XD

3. When did you start playing Animal Jam?
Uhm *looks up Jamaaliday Scarfs* In case you are wondering why I am looking up Jamaaliday Scarfs, that is because my main look was a koala with a Jamaaliday Scarf, Police Hat, and Butterfly Wings, so pro ik! And that was when they were in stores, before AJ started giving them for the Jamaaliday Gifts. Soo. 2012 somewhere in December ;)

4. What was your first rare?
I don't know..... When I was a noob I sold lots of stuff, XD

5. What's your favorite den and clothing item?
My favorite den item (Not counting masterpieces?) would either be.. Cami's Frog, or the Ice Archway.

6. What is one thing you wish you could change about Animal Jam?
MASTERPIECES FOR NM'S! I feel so sorry for my 2 nm little sisters, they are actually good artist for their age  O.O

7. What's your favorite memory on Animal Jam?
Maybe AJFC's first Bday party.. HAIRY BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD It was just so fun! Either that or Cookie Clan hehe!

8. Who are your best buddies on Animal Jam?
All da bloggers, #Bloggers4Life

9. Is there anyone you hate on Animal Jam?

10. Have you ever been scammed, and if so, what did they scam?
Uhm, I have been scammed LOTS. I'm so guilble XD But one of them was scammed out of a long green spiked wrist and Cami.... *facepalms*

11. Do you have any plaques, and which kind?
*lots onto AJ* 1 Positive Player Plaque,  4 Art Plaques, I trade my art plaques XD 2 Online Safety Plaques, and 2 Howl Plaques :)

12. What's your favorite Animal Jam emoji?

13. What's your rarest item?
Uhmm Camis frog? Rare pet seal????? IDK XD

14. What's your Animal Jam pet peeve?
Dis,  *puts mp on trade* *declines*
                                                   Yeahhhhh XD I don't get offended if someone calls me mean, cuz usually its for no reason and I'm just like *shrugs* Ok O.O OH AND ALSO THE STUPID ANNOYING GLITCH THAT AJ HAS DONE I CAN'T MAKE COPIES OF MY OLD MASTERPIECES *angry scream here*

15. How many gems & diamonds do you have?
10,367 and 3 diamonds (Soon to be 1 diamond XD)
16. Who's your favorite Animal Jam YouTuber?

17. What's the best gift you ever received on Animal Jam?
Idk, maybe my Cami's Frog???

18. Who do you wish was your buddy?
Gellyjones or Snowyclaw c:

19. Why do you play Animal Jam?

20. When do you think you will stop playing Animal Jam?
When all my friends quit XD Or it shuts down

That was a fun tag :)

And now, for the Blogger Portal! Chapter 2!

                                                                   Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Meeting The Bloggers

"10:00 p.m." I said to myself. I had told Ja I would come in her room at this time, for a snack. I hadn't told her about the Blogger Portal yet. Bunnygirl and Nas were already asleep. "Well that helps.." I murmered. I quickly climbed down, and went to her room. "Ja?" I whispered." "Here, what should we get for a snack?" she asked. Suddenly Zaaapp! Gracie appeared on Ja's bed. "WHO ARE-" Ja started. I put my hand over her mouth. "This is Graciepopstar91." I whispered. Ja's eyes were wide. "Y-you found the blogger portal?" Ja gulped. Gracie and I nodded. "Group hug!" Gracie laughed. We all hugged. "Who should we go to next?" Ja asked. "Uhm. Kraft then Swirl? They both did have the idea of the blogger portal first.." I said

Writers note: I have no idea who made it up but I think its Kratf or Swirl lol

"Ok, alphabetically?" Gracie suggested. "Okay then Kraft," Ja said. "Wait. It would be like 4:00 a.m.!" I exclaimed. "Ohhh.. oops." said Gracie. "It would be worth it for her." Ja said. "I guess, let's go!" I exclaimed, we sat on her bed and closed our eyes. I wonder why it's not in our closet's like it was in Swirl's Jamaasian Middle. I thought. Zoop We opened our eyes, a girl was sleeping on a bed. We looked at each other. "Kraft?" I asked shaking her. Kraft woke up, eyes wide. Before she could say anything. "KRAFT, I AM SARAHKEY8, THIS IS JA983, AND GRACIEPOPSTAR91 WE FOUND THE BLOGGER PORTAL!"

I blurted out. "You really found it!?" Kraft exclaimed, We nodded. "And you are really in front of me?!" We nodded again. "I MUST BE DREAMING!" Kraft exclaimed " You aren't dreaming!" We all said. "Group hug." I said laughing. That's like the fourth group hug today! I thought. "How did you find it?" We quickly explained. Kraft was still staring. "Who else knows about it?" she asked. "Gracie, Ja of course, but nobody else, we just discovered it today." I said. "We need to spread the word." Kraft said thoughtfully. "Yeah, tell

everyone you know who is a blogger, tell them to meet at my portal, not in but in front of it, at 12:00 in the morning, Central Timing." Gracie said. We all spread out telling every single blogger about it, we had written down all the bloggers on a piece of paper, chose a couple, and went to their houses.
Finally, we were done. Me and Ja went to our portals and said goodbye to everyone.
The next day was Friday, I 'sleptover' in Ja's room. at 12:00 we went into the Blogger Portal. Sure enough, everyone was there. "Hi Sarah and Ja!" Custard said. "Hi guys!" Cat said. We said hello and sat down. "I can't believe this is really happening!" Fox exclaimed We all nodded. "Where should we go?" Purple asked. "Maybe the park?" Violet suggested. "In whose timezone?" Flora asked. I thought for a moment. "Krafts would be the best I think. It would be like 4:00 a.m." I said. "Sure!" Frozen exclaimed. "That would work." Cool Cat said. "Should we tell others about this?" Swirl asked. "I don't know, not right now, we need to find more about this." Lost said. Swirl nodded. "Let's go!" Scooter exclaimed
(Writers note: Kraft, you are in London right? 4 hours ahead??)
We went into Kraft's portal and emerged in her house. We quietly went outside to the park.
Writers note again: I have no idea what i'm doing with this from now on XD
The sun was out, we played for a couple hours when we had to go home. "Bye guys!" me and Ja said. "Bye!"
We went to our portal.
"That was soo fun!" Ja exclaimed. The next day, we slept in till 1:00 p.m.

It was so hard to stuff all you guys into one chapter, that's why some of you only have one line XDX

And now for my small rant. You may or may not have heard about the super annoying glitch where you cannot load your old masterpieces. My friend Crazcatlover, or Cat, emailed AJHQ about this matter, (Click here to see that post and read it)

 So, what AJHQ is saying is, we will NEVER be able to load our old masterpieces! This was because the issue of not being able to save masterpieces, but now I will never get Artymis's Tangled MP if she has the glitch! I will never be able to get Kara's Superhero masterpiece
 (Once I get a rare long spiked collar XD) if she is experiencing this glitch as well! There were some 

masterpieces I was planning on making, but haven't had the chance that were made before February 2017, and NOW I can never make them! Nor take a picture to show you guys! 😨😩😭😭   
Comment down below if you had this glitch with your masterpieces made before February 2017.. D:
And now, I will be giving out spoilers for TBP (The Blogger Portal) 


Not there


Good :) 
There will be a villain blogger, Jammer12341234. Whose blog was never noticed by any of us, and she will trap us in the Blogger Portal, shutting down all the portals! And that's all I will tell hehe! 

Well, that's all for now Jammers! And remember! Stay safe, Jam On, Play Wild, and remember God made you! Byeee!  

This is what someone said in Jamaa Township XD 
                                                                   O...O XDDDD


  1. Great job! Scooter probably had no idea what the blogger portal is XD! Ooh you should do snowyclaw too since she is a blogger


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