
Monday, March 6, 2017

Notice: Slight Schedule Change, And Jamaasian High - Karalee Edition, Chapter Two

Notice to all blog-goers!

Karalee here!

Graciepopstar91 and I have discussed posting limes (OMGoodness posting TIMES! Can you imagine posting limes??)


There, I posted some limes. (Unfortunately, now all I can imagine is limes, making a blog post. 😝)

Getting back to the serious part, it's been decided that I will now be posting on Tuesdays, while Coolcat89252 covers the Rare Item Mondays! 😀

Now to the main body of this post, the second chapter of Jamaasian High - Karalee Edition!

(Please note that the main character, though named Karalee out of respect for the JH tradition, is heavily based on my OC [Original Character] from an earlier fanfiction, Ida.)



Karalee pushed her backpack full of textbooks into the floorboard of Warren's Chevy truck, grunting from the weight. Man, this thing is heavy! Do normal kids carry this every day?
She jumped inside and closed the door with a SLAM, not calculating for the reduced air pressure in the cab due to the open windows.
"Oops." She cringed at the loud noise. "Sorry!"
"Where were you?" Warren asked as he turned the key, and the truck rattled to life.. Kara was late.
"On a hunt for that mythical creature, known to many as 'The Other Shoe'." she rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed at the time wasted.
"Oh? How'd the hunt go?" Warren put the truck in reverse gear and pulled out of his parking space. Kara stretched the seat belt across her body and snapped it into the buckle.
"Went fine. Finally found it, two feet from the other one." She shrugged, as if to say 'It figures' as they moved forward and onto one of busy roads of Sierra Madre.
The warm spring breeze came through the open window, brushing the loose strands of Kara's hair past her face as the truck rolled past the playground of Jamaasian High, and the main building came into full view.
Palm trees. Triangular roofs. Terracotta and cream seemed to be the primary color motifs. Large blue letters announced the name of the school above the main entrance.
"Pretty," Kara said aloud.
Warren pulled into a parking space, then activated the parking brake and turned to Kara.
"Okay. You know what you're doing?"
Kara turned to him, pulling her right leg onto the seat and resting her elbow on it. She looked up at the fabric roof of the truck and smiled, sighing,
"Eh. I'd like to think so, anyway." Despite her nonchalant air, she gave him her full attention.
"Alright." He started going over the mission one more time. "Two people have - " he inclined his head toward her, waiting for her to complete the sentence.
" - Disappeared," Kara finished.
"Right," Warren nodded once. "One a teacher, one a student. And they disappeared inside that school." He pointed in the direction of the entrance. "And youuuu - " He moved the finger to her.
" - Need to go inside, keep my ears and eyes open, report anything and everything to you, and keep an eye out for the agent inside, who will contact me when the time is right."
"And how will he contact you?"
"With the phrase 'pickles and cheese'. Though I have to say that could come up far more often than I'd like to avoid confusion." She made an uncertain face. "What if someone's just ordering a sandwich?"
"Use context clues. Now." He unbuckled his seat belt with a click. "Grab your book bag, and let's get inside and get you registered."
Paperwork. P-a-p-e-r-w-o-r-r-r-r-k! I hate paperwork.
Stop it, Kara.   
Karalee talked to herself in her head as Warren signed on dotted lines, the school secretary looked over the documents Warren had presented to him, and she skimmed through a copy of the official rules she had already read yesterday.
Does anyone else address themselves by name? Can't be just me....
She read on. Papers rustled.
Theeeeeeere's the monkey thing again....
Kara read further. No tank tops with straps less than 1/8 of an inch. Not a problem....  She didn't own any of those. Besides, it was winter... or what there was of winter in Sierra Madre.
Someone tapped a pile of papers on the table, making them into a stack. She heard the secretary saying "Alright, that should do it. As soon as we get her signature on the Rules And Regulations...."
Karalee looked up.
"Hm?"She stared blankly for a second. "Oh! Right." Setting the stapled-together sheets on the desk, she flipped to the back and picked up a pen with a large orange fabric flower taped onto it, left on the table. She signed her "name".
Karalee Warren.
It felt like a strange thing to write. She hoped she didn't mess up the cursive on the last name. Didn't think to practice that. Issue there....
The secretary didn't seem to see a problem.
"Alright! This," he handed her another paper, "is your class schedule. You should head to your homeroom," he said, pushing up his  brown thin-rimmed glasses and standing up. "Don't want to be late on your first day!"


KARA OUT! PEACE! (:love:, :ninja:...)



  1. Awwww, I'm sorry, Kara. :( But crying isn't always bad. It's a way to let emotions go.

    We understand. :)

  2. Aw it's okay! Don't beat yourself up over it! Everyone is late with something once in awhile!
    We understand :3

  3. Awwww, those kinda talks are hard, even though I haven't had one yet, I have a feeling it might come up soon.
    And crying isn't bad :)
    *King Tough Bunny

  4. Crying isn't bad at all :) Those talks are so hard, you feel like ur future is like RIGHT infront of you!

    I understand :)

  5. Aww D: Its fine you missed a day Kara,we all miss a day of posting, Gracie will probably let you post today :) And crying isn't bad, because after you are done crying you usually feel better :)

  6. Heheheh. :P I guess you're right. *rubs paw along back of neck* Honestly, I'm baffled as to a reason why I did it is all.... o.o
    ~\(o_o)/~ <--- shrug emoji
    Doesn't matter now, I suppose. Working hard on getting the next chapter out there! :D


  7. Ohhhh. Right. Editing this post does not get rid of these comments.... Shoulda thought of that. -_-

    Myeh. *shrug* Guess it doesn't matter. :P


  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH KARALEE YOU ARE SUCH A MAGNIFICENT WRITER! Seriously, you're up there on my List of Favorite Writers. If you want to be an author someday, be one. You have a true talent at writing! When I read your Ida Story, your writing was so captivating that I honestly felt like I was living through the story. Keep up the great work =3

  9. *is pumped for next Tuesday* Love itttt!


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