
Friday, March 31, 2017

An Animal Jam, Real Life, Mashup Post, And A New AJ 'Toy'!

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here!

Today's post will be a bit of a mashup of my real life, and my Animal Jam 'life'! So without further ado, lets get started!


Today, my Dad went away to a Men's Camp out of state, with some of the guys from our church. We were gonna drop him off at one of the guys house, because the truck he was gonna drive to the camp was there.

After we dropped him off, me and my Mom did a little bit of shopping, and I can't believe all the AJ toys we found 😳.

Our first stop, was Kohl's, and there we found these toys!

A few months ago I found the Adopt-A-Pet houses at Kohl's, but this time there was all of these toys. This is cool that theres now Animal Jam toys at Kohl's, but however, they are super overpriced.

Blocked out the sku for safety reasons, sorry!
$7.99 for one of those koala figurines.. Kinda pricey, but it's neat it's there!

Our second stop was Toys R' Us, because I wanted to see if there was any AJ toys.. Because I had a little bit of money... So I wanted one.... 😉

To my surprise, I found something I really had been wanting.

I completely freaked out. My reaction?


Heh heh..

When I redeemed the code, I got the Masterpiece Token! I wanted this sketchbook so bad, because I knew thats what you would get with the code.

Heres when I redeemed the code..

And me fangirling.. Like always.. Over every little thing..

In the sketchbook, theres a little interview, of one of the Animal Jam illustrators! 

This is the bottom of one of the pages of the interview with the illustrator ^.^. My first though when I saw that there was an interview with an AJ illustrator, I thought it would have been an interview with Taylor Maw, but it's pretty neat to see the other illustrators as well.

Our next stop was Michaels crafting store, and there me and my Mom bought something, that I think Karalee and Crazcatlover might like.

It was a bit expensive, but I hope it will help my drawing skills. It shows you how to make the body, the face, and all of that, to help you be able to draw animals better. You guys should look into it! 

Me and my Mom tried to draw a cat step by step, using this book, and hers turned out good, but mine- not so much 😋. This will take a lot of practice, but in the end, I hope my art is decent 😬.

Our final stop was Target, where I found-

A new AJ 'toy'?

It's not exactly a toy, it's actually a little necklace pack. I was really confused when I saw it.

Heres the display,

Notice the little necklace sample 😱..

My Mom got me one, and inside of it was these,

A necklace, sticker, necklace collectable guide (shown), and of course, a code (not shown)! But I only got 250 gems from the code 😛.

You can buy these at Target, for only $2.99. 

I don't think I would wear this necklace as an everyday accessory, because it is a tiny bit kiddish. But, if I ever ended up going to JamCon, or Animal Jam Headquarters, I would wear it 😉.


And that was my day ^.^. I had a lot of fun, but I have been having some on and off anxiety, because my Dad is away for the weekend. But he's coming home Sunday around dinner time, so hopefully I'll survive until then 😜..

But I have my Mom, so it will be okay for now 😊.

If you can't tell, I have a super strong attachment to my parents.. How I will ever leave home when I'm an adult, I have no idea 😆


Heres todays Bible verse!

Romans 12:12

Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Or if we were planning to meet up that would be good to wear XDDD


  3. Wow, that's a lot of stuff! One time when I went to michaels I was gonna get a how to draw book except it's price didn't come to what I thought so... I passedXD

  4. Cool! I haven't got any animal jam toys at all. I might buy a few for my birthday though with is coming up in August! :)
    *King Tough Bunny

  5. Uhhh what is sku??
    *King Tough Bunny


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