
Saturday, April 1, 2017

For King and Country Quiz=Meeting My Buddy's on the way to my Brothers Wedding

Me: Hey dare Jammer! What ya'll doing here again?
You Guys: Waiting for you to post
Me: Well stuff me with turkey and call me a chicken, me too!
You Guys: then hurry up and post so you want have to wait any longer!
Me: *Clears throat* Um yeah right.

Ok there is another weird intro. XD
Today, I have a little quiz for you peoples. It is a quiz, for, For King and Country, just to see who is a real fan of their music!
1. What the singers names?
2. Are they related, and if so how?
3. What is the story behind the song Without You?
4. Name 7 songs of theirs
5. Which song of theirs was in a movie?
There won't be a prize, this is just a fun little quiz. :)

Now here is another story of Meeting My Buddy's on the way to my Brothers Wedding

Ja was in the van listening to Adventures in Odyssey, the one where BCH was making up fake robberies. (BALL CAP HERO!)  It was one of the Jones, and Parker detective agency. (That's right isn't it Tiger?) Ja had already listened to this a few times, but her mother hadn't, it was still funny, and one of the newest ones.
Ja was still shocked from meeting Tiger. She even told Sarah to take her turn on the black tablet!
Sarah was still mad about it, "Why didn't you tell me she was there?!" She said loudly
"Well ..."
"You know how much I want to meet them!"
"Can we get it a rest? You've been complaining about that for the last half an hour,!" Ja told her.
"Alright" Sarah agreed.
 All of a sudden, the van turned into a Walmart parking place.
"What are we doing?" Pob yelled from the back.
"We need to stop and get peanut butter" Mom called back. "Who wants to go with me?"
Usually Ja want to go into a store like this, but she needed to stretch her legs. Sarah came too.
In the store, of course her mother got more then just peanut butter, it turned out being, 2 Kleenex boxes, a small bag of mints, two loafs of bread, a bottle of pills, for nausea.
"Mother shopping code," Ja pointed out too Nas. I will explain what that is at the end of the post, it is very true, and we like to joke about it. 
While they were getting a few other things. Ja seemed to be staring at a girl, with a Snowy Claw shirt!
"It can't be!" said Ja, thinking of Gracie, and the time she told them she had a Snow Claw shirt.
Ja elbowed Sarah, and pointed at the girl, Sarah gasped.
They walked over to the girl.
"Hello" said Sarah.
The girl looked up, surprise.
"Sorry, I can't talk to strangers."
"We can't either" said Ja.
"But then why are you ..."
"Do you play Animal Jam?" Sarah asked exquisitely.
"Yes, do you?"
"YES!" Ja and Sarah almost shouted,
"What's your user?" The girl asked with wide eyes.
"Ja983, and Sarahkey8!"
"Graciepopstar91 the girl went white and nudged her mom, who was looking at the prices, of chili.
"Mom, these are Ja and Sarah, from Animal Jam!"
"Well!" said Gracie's mom "That's very nice, that you guys could meet!"
"What is it?" Said another girl.
"Cool cat! This is Ja and Sarah!"
"Sarah's eyes almost popped out of her head.
"Cool cat and Gracie. I've been wanting to meet you guys forever!"
"Us too!"
The four jammers started breathing really fast.
"I .. can't ... believe ... we're ... really .. meeting!" Said Sarah.
"I .. know .. right!?" puffed Gracie.
"Hey .. guys ... I .. also met .. tiger!" Ja said.
"Really? sweet!" said Gracie.
"This is amazing!" said Cool Cat.
"Come on Ja and Sarah" their mother called.
"Awww," said Ja.
"Mom can me and Cool Cat follow them around till we're done?"
"Sure, I'll meet you by the south door when your done."
The girls talked for a long time, and were still talking about how lucky they were to meet when they were checking out!
"Ok, now we have to get back to everyone in the car, we want to get to the hotel soon."
"Ok" Sarah said.
"Maybe we'll meet when we're coming back!" Smiled Ja.
"I hope so" said Cool Cat, "We didn't that much time to talk."
"Yeah" grace said sadly.
"Oh well" said Sarah, "bye"
When Gracie and Cool Cat walked away, Ja's and Sarah's mom asked.
"Who was that?"
"That was Grace and Cool Cat from animal jam!" exclaimed Sarah.
"The one who lets you do the blog?"
"Yup!" said Ja.
"Hmm this is an interesting week!" Their mom said.

Ahhh how sweet it would be to meet you guys! :D
That's it for this week! Hope you enjoyed the story, and don't forget to do the Quiz for FKAC For King and Country. 
And speaking of, here is Fix My Eyes!

It takes a solider, who know his orders. 

To walk the road I'm suppose to, walk!

Oh and guys check out my Liza's Garden den! I'm still not QUITE done placing everything, but I think all I really need to do is the house now.

*King Tough Bunny 

Cool Animal Fact: Did you know there is a bird that can sound like a cat?!

Oh btw Cool Cat, I left a comment on the Teens Guild to Animal Jam, Please check it out. I think it'll help you with your blog!


  1. Hey there! Do you think you could include me in this series? If not, that's fine.

    1. Sure! I can do you next week so I don't forget! :)
      *King Tough Bunny

  2. OMG WERE AT 100,000 VIEWS *drops le confetti*

    Remember, God made YOU!

      *King Tough Bunny


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