
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

National AJ Blogger Day!? An REALLY Annoying Glitch.. Leaving soon!

You guys: Hey Jammers! Sarahkey8 here with another post!
Me: Hey! Your not suppose to do that!
You guys: We're stopping you from doing a crazy intro!
Me: Bu-wha?!? YOU CANT DO THIS
You guys: Oh yes we can!
Me: Wait, by doing this, you're making this into a crazy intro.
You guys: Oops....

 Now that we got that out of the way...

Yesterday, (Or was it the day before that o.o) I had the idea to make a Nation AJ Blogger Day, first it was going to be the 3rd Saturday every June, but then Lost suggested it should be on the day the first AJ Blog opened up! 
And I did some research, and figured out the first blog was made April 9th, 2010! (If my research was correct..) 
The blog was the Animal Jam Rush, made by Fuzzy Shyivy

It closed April 2nd, 2013,  
I don't know why but some people think Snowyclaw was the first AJ Blogger.. which I think is kind of unfair to Fuzzy, she opened the doors for more AJ Blogs,AJ Youtubing, AJ Instgram, e.t.c. 
Do you know what this means....
In less the AJ Community just decided to do it..

I think AJ  youtubing would be here, but it would be a lot newer, 
But without Fuzzy
Most likely we would have never met each other,
Because I didn't know AJHQ had an account until something was mentioned about in a comment on the D.E... 

I wish the Animal Jam Rush would come back, just like the Animal Jam Sky Blog did..

Also Gracie! Somebody needs to fill in for JA on the 15th, because that's when our Brother's Wedding is! Even if we did have access to the internet while we were there, Ja still probably couldn't do it, cuz the Wedding as at like 2:00 P.M or something, and we will have to get ready for it XD
Also I will not be able to witness the next update next Thursday, I hope its not big,
if they release something into the stores for a couple days before I get home I will be mad XD
If that does happen can one of you guys buy 1 of each item if it happens XDDDD

So, I got gifts today.
And then AJ decided to freeze, so before I could get the gifts
I had to log out.

And now I cant get my gifts.
So basically, if you get gifts, and then log out before you open them, they get sent to your JAGs, I know this because it happened to me once, 
But today I got gifts
and AJ decided to freeze..
And now..

Always loading...
It loads forever again when you try to open it...
Which is pretty annoying. 
After a couple minutes it stops loading, 
and nothing happens.

 Masterpieces won't load, picture icons wont load... I dont have eyes. 
I logged out, TEN+ times,.. 

Oh, and my items don't show up.

When I try to change animals..

                                                 Edit:   The glitch got fixed like an hour after I made this post I no longer have eyeless and invisible animals XDD
Well dat's all for now :P Cya later peeps



  1. I hope that gets fixed and your account is okie! :O

    1. It got fixed about an hour after I made this post :D :D


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