
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Yo, JH-Type Fanfic Writers!

Hey. :P It's moi.

(As in "Karalee" moi.)

I've got a character bio written for my human-form OC for all types of Jamaasian High-like fanfiction (e.g. Jamaasian Middle, Jamaasian Hospital, Jamaasian Shopping Mall), and I thought it would help you author-peeps if I posted it for anyone interested in using my OC as a character in the story. I dunno about you, but I love a lengthy, character-trait-and-past-experience-driven bio! 😆 So I thought I'd give you mine.

Obviously, none of these facts or experiences have to be written in or referenced. They're here for if you feel the need to explain or reference the character's actions or past in the story, and it will help to explain and deepen the character to you, the author. (Note: I really do want the secret agent thing to be kept secret, as my request to you. That part's just to explain the character's motives to the author.)

Jamaasian High OC Description:
Italics -  Answers
Name: Karalee
Last name (fictional, possibly AJ-derived): Warren (as in the rabbit burrow)
Girl or boy: Girl
Height: 5' 4"
Weight (approximate is fine): Around 120 - 130 pounds
Age: 16
Hair color: Medium-to-dark brown
Eye color: Deep brown
Skintone: Pale
Hairstyle and length: Long bangs tucked behind ears, hair often in a ponytail or braid
  • Top: Fitted purple turtleneck sweater
  • Pants/skirt: Dark blue jeans
  • Jacket, if applicable: Sometimes used with outfit, black leather, secondhand, well-worn and scuffed from many years of use
  • Shoes: Brown leather boots, almost knee-high, waterproof, also well-worn and scuffed
  • Other: Knapsack instead of purse, stocked with essentials (she might have just what another character needs, as long as it's practical and not something like a chicken [sorry Kraft])
Short backstory/background:
  • Is homeschooled, or was, before attending JH
  • Said homeschooling entails rather unusual circumstances, namely being "apprenticed" as a sort-of-secret agent
  • Is recently enrolled as part of an undercover mission
  • Objective: Discover reason for disappearances of personnel connected to said school
  • Secondary objective: Survive a few weeks in high school!
  • (Is heavily based upon my Original Character Ida Firstmoon, despite having the name Karalee)
Personality in five adjectives: Loyal, serious, underlyingly joyful, jumpy, kinda nuts (<-- Okay so that was sort of seven)
Most positive character trait(s):  Big-hearted, will try to see the best in people - protective of allies/friends
Most negative character trait(s): Once angered, has little impulse control
What character thinks is most positive trait(s): Blessed with a limited "people" sense, especially with regards to whether someone is lying or not
What character thinks is most negative trait(s): Surprisingly thick when it comes to learning anything related to math or engineering
Other significant character trait(s): Is not affected by what antagonists think of her, and would honestly be proud to be called a geek, though this would bother some people
Deepest fear(s): Failing those she loves, failing in general -- also falling. (As in from a great height.)
Skilled in: Self-defense, lockpicking, secret-agentery in general. XD Good at staying calm in dangerous situations, though this will not be of much use at Jamaasian High. Also skilled in eating. ;)
Has trouble with: Being in school, ironically. Math, Physics, and Biology are rather difficult subjects for her in general. Also, she is not certain on how to make friends when said potential friend is not part of a mission.
Favorite foods: Anything chocolate. Also caramel. Or cookies... or candy... or anything remotely sweet...
How would your character react to teasing (the unfriendly sort)? Blank. Total blank, at least at first. She either doesn't get it, or doesn't want to get it. If she does understand she's being teased or taunted, she usually chooses to ignore it as "not worth fighting over". When you're in mortal danger on a regular basis, you kinda start putting everything in a different perspective.
How would your character react to teasing (the friendly sort)? Laugh along, but won't really tease back. She doesn't feel she fully understands the boundaries between "friendly" teasing and "antagonistic" teasing, and would never trust herself to avoid accidentally hurting another pers - ah, Jammer. Sometime she'll admit the friendly teaser is factually correct in what they say, which kinda bursts their proverbial bubble. Oops.
Favorite subjects: Art (any art), History (again, pretty much anything), Geology (rocks are cool), Handwriting (it ties in with art), P.E. (with some reservations about blowing her cover), Psychology (interesting), Choir (kinda self-explanatory, she likes to sing)
Least favorite subjects: Math (she doesn't "get" the rules), Biology (confusing and often gross), Physics (just plain confusing), English (WHY, language?? WHY do you do this?), Social Skills (whoo boy, can she get flustered easily), Basic Yard Care (why the Jam-A-Gram is this even a subject??)

Well, there it is! C: I hope you guys enjoy it!

(P.S. Basic Yard Care is actually a subject. o_o Go figure.)



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