
Monday, April 10, 2017

Rare Item Monday! *Non Member!* + Please Check Out A Post On My Blog April 14!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! I'm sorry about such a super late post, I had a very busy day today, and blogging for other blogs on the same day takes time! But I'm here now! But before I get todays RIM post, I wanted to ask if you would check out a blog post I am doing on my blog, The Teens Guide To Animal Jam And More! If you can't find my blog by typing in the user name, you can click the link to it in my blogger profile!

***I will be doing a post about the sinking of the Titanic! The post is going to be about real facts and on what survivors seen and heard, and about some of the most rich and famous passengers! It will be rather long,  but very very interesting! If you are interested in Titanic facts, and the Titanic itself like me, you won't want to miss this! I will be posting about it April 14th, the actual day Titanic struck the ice berg back in 1912. I will be posting about it during the morning to afternoon hours on Friday the 14th. I hope you can come check it out!***

Now, back to the RIM!

Todays Rare Item Monday is the Rare Hypno Glasses! They are located in Jamaa Townships Jam-Mart Clothing. They can be found on the thirteenth page in the clothing store. They are for sale for 850 gems and are for non members! The color scheme is dark blue, ~or purple, I can't tell..~, light purple, and green.

Thoughts: Finally AJHQ made a non member rare! It seems like its been forever since they have done so. The price is alright, still a bit high but not bad. And the colors work well together, even if I can't tell what the dark color is... This isn't something I would use for an outfit so I did not buy it. But if this is something you like, make sure you buy one!

I hope you enjoyed todays post! Let me know in the comments if you will be able to check out my Titanic post, I hope you will be! :)

As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. cool! I might check it out! I always get interested about the Titanic! I actually went to a Titanic museum before! :D

  2. Oo I can't wait! :D But I wont be able to look at it right away because going to my brothers wedding THURSDAY!

  3. I will be checking out that post! but won't be able to look at it till Monday. CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO THE WEDDING! :D
    If it's ok with you gracie. I can tell a little more about the trip and how we're gonna do it! :)
    *King Tough Bunny


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