
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Some Skills Needed By An Animal Jam Moderator, Straight From The Hor-- Uh, HQ's Mouth!

Greetings, Jammers!

This is Karalee here, with another (late-night) Tuesday post!

Okay, so this is where I'm totally open with you guys.

I'm having a ton of trouble remembering to post on the day I'm meant to. It's been three weeks now, and every single time I've either forgotten to write a post, or forget to actually post the post I've pre-written.

I thought pre-writing posts would fix the issue.

It didn't.

I'm really mad at myself right now, and I know beyond a doubt that such undependable behavior is absolutely inexcusable. I'm a guest author for Tuesday. I can't just miss it because "I guess I forgot to write on the day I've been hired and scheduled to write on, oopsie!"

No. That's just wrong. It's not something a professional does, and it's not something a good friend does, either.

To Gracie, to my fellow authors, to every viewer of the AJFC, I am truly, deeply sorry.

Now. I know that "sorry" doesn't just fix everything.

That's why I'm reaching out to you. Do you guys have any ideas or tips for me, to help me learn to post on time?

Please tell me in the comments if you do! I really need your help to become a better author here on the AJFC.

In the actual body of this post, I want to talk about what it means to be an Animal Jam moderator! 😀

We all know about the amazing mods of AJ, and how they all make Jamaa a better and safer place for everyone! I'm sure we've all helped them by reporting a Jammer that wasn't following the rules, so they know to review the situation and take proper action. Some of us might even aspire to be an Animal Jam moderator themselves someday! I know I do. 😊

In light of this, I thought it would be helpful to post this comment from the official Animal Jam blog, The Daily Explorer! It covers some of the skills needed for members of the AJHQ moderation team, as told by a moderator themselves!

So, moderators need to:

  • Think creatively
  • See with unique perception
  • Process lots of details, but keep their focus
  • Always be curious, never settle into a set way of looking at things
  • Be entirely impartial, always placing the truth relating to the Animal Jam Rules above any personal bias, feelings, or suspicions. They must do their best never to have any of those three attributes, because they cloud judgement and would severely interfere with doing their job.
You can find lots more information on being a moderator at the official WildWorks SmartRecruiters site here!

Frankly, I think I'd find it difficult. Especially the part about detail-oriented focus and what the webpage says about having the "Ability to read and comprehend large amounts of information that constantly changes on the fly".

(You have NO idea how much I want to correct the grammar in that sentence. Maybe I should be a proofreader instead.)

In closing, being a moderator is a difficult job. Some Jammers seem to think that AJHQ is just a bunch of bossy rule-makers that can't take a joke -- or at least, I have heard quite a few people saying so around the community, sadly. I can't say whether they actually meant it or were simply upset.

The truth is very far from that. Being a moderator is a tough job, needing someone willing to work at all times, including holidays, weekends, in the evenings... whenever Jamaa needs moderating. Being a mod requires intelligence, a cool head, wise decisions, and the ability to put the good of Animal Jam above any and all personal preferences.

Moderators are Jamaa's police, they're it's protectors -- they're it's parents, essentially. They make Animal Jam the safe place it is for children of all ages.

They're real heroes to us Jammers.



  1. You can always set an alarm reminding you to post!

    1. Yes! I think that'd really help! :D Thanks G!


  2. Its fine Kara :)

    Wow, moderators do have a big job (When I was littler I thought it was moniter XD)

    I would like to become a moderator, except for the hours DX and they are no where near me, and I don't want to move XDX

    1. I don't think you'd have to move for certain jobs. :) I think you can just work from your home! :D

  3. It's totally fine, Kara XD I honestly don't like it when the author keep apologizing over if they forgot to post. To me, it's completely fine :). We all have lives, and Animal Jam cannot be the center of our lives 24/7. If you ever needed a few weeks off, you can take it :). It really isn't like 'I hired you I'll fire you' it's almost like volunteer 'work' in a part of the Animal Jam community.
    Well I mean, I could take off any of the authors, but it's still pretty much 'volunteer work' XD

    Excellent post, Kara! I do agree with you, that the AJHQ members aren't just bossy rule makers. Like a said in a post before, their a group of intelligent adults.
    It seems that kids don't get that, though. I think sometimes they think they can do whatever. I've also heard before, that some Jammers think that reporting doesn't work, but it does. There's probably a few adults that watch the reporting system daily. Same goes with masterpieces.

    Animal Jam moderation seems to be one of the subjects that is over looked.

    One day, I think it might be fun to be a moderator. But yet- there's so many jobs I would like to have.. XDD

    Again, excellent post, Kara! Keep up the good work.

    Remember, God made YOU!

    P.S. Maybe to remember to post, write yourself a note, or like Gfox said, maybe set an alarm? I think CoolCat used to set an alarm to remind her.

    1. Heehee! *blush* Yea-a-a-a-ahhh, I apologize too much.

      I would apologize for constantly apologizing, but that'd be kind of counterintuitive.

      Eheeheeheeheehee. XD

      Thanks for the writing-a-note idea, but I have tried the sticky-note thing, and I tend to look right over them after a while. I think the alarm is going to work the best for me, thank you, you two! C:


  4. Kara, this is kinda how I remember to do my post.
    I post on Saturday, And on Saturday, we get to play in the morning.
    The point is, that there is something special that we get to do on Saturday. So when I think of that, I think of my post.
    on Tuesday is there something special? Like the garbage men come?
    Hope this helps!
    *King Tough Bunny
    (I hope this made sense :P)

    1. Actually yes... the recycling gets taken out. But that's at like six in the morning and only every other week.

      (We actually create a LOT of recycling. o_o)



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