
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

At Long Last.. It's here! - 'Lizzy's Diary: Beth' Chapter 14.

Hey Jammers! graciepopstar91 here, with a quick post.

Well, I have seemed to procrastinate a lot with writing 'Lizzy's Diary: Beth'. But finally, at long last, I wrote it, and it's up on the 'Lizzy's Diary: Beth' page! My goodness, I don't think I've uploaded a new chapter in four months! Sorry bout' that. I honestly have seemed to forgot how much I love writing these Lizzy stories, so finally I've gotten around to editing 'Lizzy's Diary: A Journey For Hope' (which I hope to have published near Christmas time), and I will be writing as much as I can of 'Lizzy's Diary: Beth'.

You have no idea how good it feels to be editing/writing these again. These two stories mean so much to me for some reason, and I can't wait to get both of them published.

Now, without further ado, here is chapter 14 of 'Lizzy's Diary: Beth'!


Chapter 14: Lonely, But Together.


“Not too long ago, I was wandering through the forest, just trying to find Sky Kingdom, when I saw Mom lying on the grass, in the forest. She kept groaning, as if she was hurt. I told her I’d be back with help, and when I found someone, she wasn’t there.” Dan said thoughtfully “Strange.” Elijah commented. Dan nodded in agreement. “I’m just scared, because it seems as if she was hurt, then she disappeared. Where could she have gone?” Dan wondered aloud. “I have the slightest idea, but we can search for her.” Elijah said with a glimmer of hope in his voice. “Right, and I suggest we get started now.” Dan said with a smile. And with that, the two men started to run deeper in the forest. 


I ran as fast as I possibly could, but I was slacking. My eyes gazed to the right, and the trees looked like a blur. On the right, I noticed a girl. That girl.. She looked so familiar. “Elizabeth!” The girl screamed, as she started running towards me. My pace slowed down, and I tried to squint to see who it was. She approached me, and I realized something. It was Sarah. “Sarah! Don’t stop running, follow me!” I screamed to her. My pace was still slow, and Jaz grabbed my arm. Suddenly, Sarah grabbed my Bō staff from back cross body pouch I carried it in. Jaz’s Mom, then, grabbed the Bō staff from Sarah. “No!” My voice echoed. 
The next thing I knew, I was gagged, bound, and tied to a tree. I looked down at Jaz, and glared at her. I couldn’t see Sarah anywhere, and I had the slightest idea where she was. Jaz quickly cut off the gag, and stared at me. “So tell me, Lizzy, where’s the keys?” Jaz asked me, as she crossed her arms. “Keys? What keys?” I asked, obviously puzzled. “You know what I’m talking about. The keys to the Sky Kingdom castle.” Jaz explained. My heartbeat quickened. Everyone in the family, besides Jaz, had the keys to get into the castle, but I had no idea what she would want them for. “I would never tell, Jaz.” I said under my breath, still glaring at her.


“Elijah, I think we might as well give up. We’ve been wandering in the forest for hours now.” Dan said with a sigh, as he sat down on a nearby log. Elijah sat down next to him. “I know. I just wish we could all get back to Sky Kingdom and get back to our lives. I’ve been gone from the church for so long now, they’ve probably got a new pastor.” Elijah said with a sigh. Dan smirked at him. “And replace Elijah Smith? I doubt it.” Dan said to him, still smirking. At that moment, Jaz came running towards them. Dan stood up in shock. “Jaz! Where have you been?” Dan asked, smiling wide. “Been in the forest this whole time.” Jaz said with absolutely no expression. Elijah frowned at her.“You okay?” Elijah asked with concern. “Yeah.” She replied plainly, as she stared at the ground, as if she was deep in thought. “Oh, I saw Lizzy back there. Wanna go see her?” Jaz asked, kicking the dirt on the ground. “Lizzy’s here? Please Jaz, please, take us to her.” Elijah said, tears filling his eyes, but he refused to let one slip down his face. Jaz nodded, and started walking deeper in the forest. The three approached me. As Elijah saw me bound to the tree, his face grew red with anger, and before he could speak, Jaz practically tackled Elijah and Dan, and bound them on trees near mine. “Elijah.” I said, tears streaming down my face. I bit my lip. Jaz left us suddenly. “At least we’re together now.” Elijah said with a smile. I nodded slightly. “Yeah, but what do you think Jaz wants with us?” I wondered aloud. “To take down Sky Kingdom.” Dan said quickly, all in one breath. “What?” Me and Elijah both said in unison. I felt like all that was going on was too much to bear, but yet, I did want the greatest adventure of my life. Here it was, and I had to accept it. I kept my eyes focused on Dan, waiting for him to speak.


Hmm.. Someone taking over Sky Kingdom? What do you think is happening? Why would Jaz do this to them?

Comment down below what you think!

Missed chapters 1-13? Click here to read them.


Heres todays Bible verse!

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

Remember, God made YOU!

1 comment:

  1. That's so cool! I would read it, but it confuses me ^-^


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