
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sunshine Blogger Tag's

Me: Hoi
You guys: What? No weird intro?.
Me: Nu :) 
You guys: Uhmm ok *runs away*
You guys: WHATEVER *runs back*

Ok, that was very strange :) 
Anyways, today I will be 'answering' a tag that Crazcatlover tagged me! Here we GOOOOOOOO 

  1. Whom do you most look up to? My parents, (of course) Ja983, Graciepopstar91, Karalee, Lostfairy, Flora, Tiger, Gfox, Violet e.t.c and all you AJ Bloggers out there (That I know.. XD), whenever I need help with a situation you guys are there, you don't say stuff like "Get over it." ('Cause I mean, if you did that what type of friend would you be XD) You never say anything meaning to hurt me, and like I said, you are always there for me!

2. If you could be a character in any book, TV show, or movie, what character would you be and why?  Uhm idk if anybody, because legit in pretty much all my books, the characters are in life threatening dangers. GWEN/ANTOINETTE LITERALLY DIES IN THE FINAL STORM, BUT SHE GOES TO HEAVEN AT THE END CUZ ITS THE END OF THE REALM! And on all the other books they have their life threatened suu, erm, yeah I can't answer this XD!

3. What's a talent that you've always wanted? (i.e. the ability to sing, draw, write, play sports) Well, I really want to draw  good, but for now I'm content with the skills God gave me!

4. If you could travel through time, when would you go to? 1946, why? because that was a few years after Corrie Ten Boom got out of Ravensbrooke, a prison camp, (Go look her up XD) Then I could meet her, and talk to her, she was a really amazing person!
5. If you could change anything about your life, would you? Idk, probably not though.

6. If your life were a TV show, what would the theme song be? Idk, maybe 'Here's Hope' by Owl City

7. If you were a superhero, what would your powers and superhero name be? LE SUPER BANANA!!! I CAN SHOOT BANANAS OUT OF MY EYEBALLZ!!!!!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA AND MY SIDEKICK, BOLD BANANA!

8. What do you spend the most time doing on your computer/phone? Mainly playing AJ, blogging, and emailing

9. If you were somehow shrunken down to 10 inches tall, what's the first thing that you'd do? Uhm I think I would scream, and get on the computer and tell all of you guys about it?? XDDDDDDDDDDDD

10. Which animal do you think is the cutest? (Adorable photographs are welcome)

11. Would you do this tag again? Yeah!!

And now I do Talloose's Tag

1. If you had to eat one of your least favorite foods, Which one would you choose? Hm, idk? Mashed potatoes? XD 
2. What would you do if you woke up one day and the world froze, and you are the only one who can move? I would just scream, and scream a little more, then make everybody in weird positions, lol, and then try to make them normal again.. XD
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, Where would it be? Where I am :)  
4. What is your favorite species of birds? Maybe a Flamingo? Or perhaps a swan, idk :)
5. What are 5 things that make you happy? God, family, friends, Animal Jam, emailing friends and family! 
6. If you could invent anything is the world, What would it be and why? THE BLOGGER PORTAL BECAUSE THEN I COULD VISIT ALL OF YOU GUYS!!! YAYYY
7. What is something your proud of? Why? Well, I'm not like proud, but something I like about me is uhm, my reading level? 'Cause I love to read
8. Dolls, Figures or plushies? Sparkles. 'Nuff said, (Ok its actually not, Sparkles is my seahorse plushie, who I love XD
9. What is your favorite pattern to have on your clothes? I don't really have a favorite pattern, XDD But sometimes cats or flowers lol
10 If you could create your own business company,  What would your brand sell? And why? AJ Blogger Merch it would sell all sorts of merchandise of all the AJ Bloggers XD!
11 What is your favorite and least favorite quality about yourself? Idk XDD

Now I guess I have to make a tag? Here goes.....

1. What is your favorite book/book series?
 Do you prefer a good book, or a good movie?
3. What would you do if you got hacked, and the hacker took every one of your items, and deleted your whole entire buddy list
4. What is your favorite animal (IRL, and pictures are accepted XD) 
5. What is your worst injury you have ever had?
6. Who 'introduced' you to blogging?
7. Would you rather be blind or deaf? 
8. What  would you do if all animals suddenly died, and we only ate plants (or stuff like that that involves no meat) and we wouldn't have any birds, cats, horses, dogs, etc?
9. What is your favorite animal in AJ?
10. What is your favorite thing in Nature
11. What is your favorite 'storm' weather? (Light rain, big thunder storm e.t.c)

Now I tag.. (Btw the ppl who I tag do not have to tag anyone else, in less they know they have never done this tag, or these tags will go on forever)
*is to lazy to put links hehe*
Arcticstar from the Animal Jam Community (Oh and also is to lazy to add numbers)
Lostfairy from the Animal Jam Jumble
Ja983 from this blog
Graciepopstar91 from this blog
*is very tired so doesn't tag very many ppl*
Violet from The AJ Legendary Palooza
Swirlshine from My Little Jammers
Purplestarclub from Weekly Jammer News
You guys: Erm, Sarah you got Swirl and Purple mixed up..
Me: Oh, I did? Ok lemme try again..
You guys: Or you can just edit it..
Me: Nu, I'm to lazy.. and tired *yawns*
Swirlshine from Weekly Jammer news.
Purplestarclub from My Little Jammers
Crazcatlover from The Crazcatblog

And anybody else who wants to do this XD

Don't hate me, but I really don't feel like writing T.B.P sequel D: But next week you will have 2 chapters! :) I'm just so tired rn XD        
BUT WE DON'T DO CRAZY OUTROS *does first crazy outro*

Me: Bye guys!
You guys: Just going to leave us?
Me: I guess, I'm tired and hungry rn
You guys: Then stay
Me: Soup is callin me
You guys: Eat pie
Me: What pie?
You guys: *throws pie*
Me: I can't have pie by my computer usually, I have to go to eat it :)
You guys: *whispers together* Darn that didn't work..
Me: Bye guys! :)

This looks edited but its not:
The pattern thing is under the color thing for the eyes, hehe


  1. I've been taaaaaagged!! (heehee, I've always wanted to do one of these!)

    I'll probably post mine here on my Friday post ^.^

    Great post as usual!

    - Arctic

  2. Yay! I love tags!! I'll do yours if you don't mind (I don't have a blog XD)

    1. Too be honest, I don't know. Probably horse books and books to do with food.........
    2. Which ever, as long I'll enjoy it.
    3. Let them hack away! (And report them when their done and I know who did it) They're pixels after all. (Plus, I'm very inactive on AJ, and my account is non member. If I wanted to play again, I can just get another account)
    4. Horses!! Anyone who meets me will complain I'm horse mad!
    5. Not gonna mention........... (But even if I did, it wasn't super bad.....)
    6. I first discovered that AJ blogs existed when I first read Animal Jam Spirit, then I found The Animal Jam Whip, and through there, I found this blog :D
    7. Blind. I already have glasses....... but if I had a choice, maybe be deaf. Now a days, if you wanted to talk with someone, you could just type.
    8. Panic, because that would mean, no horses, and no Candy!!! D:
    9. In game? I fancy the Arctic Wolves, but I'm not a member, so I can't get one.
    10. Hmm........ Horses? (Again XD)
    11. Um....... Confused sorry...... I'm going to assume a weather storm, well, it's raining really right now so.......


    1. Its fine, when I make tags they are open for everybody

      1. I love horses too! I mainly like to read Christain fiction books, they are always awesome
      2. Same XD
      3. I would be upset about my items, but even more so about my buddies, it would be a pain to buddy everybody again :p
      5. XD
      6. Cool! :D
      7. I have glasses too, this question is hard, I'm really not sure which one I would choose, maybe blind, because if i was deaf i couldn't talk to my IRL friends, but if I was blind I couldn't talk to my online friends,
      8. IKRRRRRRRRR??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      9 (Oops I forgot to add in AJ) My favorite AJ animal is the fox
      10. XDDDD
      11. Yup, I like it when it rains really really hard XDD

  3. O cool I got tagged again yay :D This tag is totally going to go on forever if we keep tagging each other like this XD

    1. :) Ikr? XD You don't have to tag anybody, XDD


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