
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Meme, Do We Want It? AJ and TBP Chapter 7

Me: Like, omigosh I like totally made a meme today guys!
You guys: Why are you talking strangely?... O.O 
Me: What? I like, totally dont know like what your like totally talking about.
You guys: You sound like those strange teenage female hippy's.
Me: What? I like, totally, don't like the sound of that, 
You guys: Nvm.. just get on with the post.
Me: Like, I totally like, will! 
You guys: *facepalms* 
Anyways, hi guys! Sarahkey8 here with a post.
If you can't tell.
You would have to be blind not to tell though.
Though if you are blind how would you know what I'm typing. 
Nvm (:
As you can probably tell by the title, I am stick. STICK!? SICK. It seems like everybody has been getting sick, a bunch of my friends were sick, I know lots of you guys were sick too, with pretty much the same stuff, stuffy nose, a cold, cough, etc. It's really strange o.o

Who doesn't like memes?  
Random person: Me :( 
Me: Welp, mkay. 

Recently, my friend, Lostfairy made a post with a bunch of the Blogger Memes,  but she forgot one.
One that only like 5 people know about which is..  


Daniel was a drum that my friend, Swirlshine, used in one of her intros, but then she dropped him and he rolled across the street and got squished by a car, and yesterday I made a meme of him!
 Here it is, 
 Look at that pro editing, mm amazing. 
You guys: *crickets*
You guys: ...
 XD! As you can see I cannot edit very well, or at all... ;) 
 Ok, so, at first with this post I was going to showcase a whole bunch of glitches that have haven't to me lately.
Then I got the idea to make a tag, but then, I decided against it, (And for both of those I started writing it)
But then I was watching some youtube, looking at random comments on AJC, and part of a comment made by Talloose made me think. 
This is very true, it's kind of like AJ is ignoring us when we ask for reasonable stuff like The Blogger Plaque, but with any idea you ask for on the Daily Explorer, you already know what the response will be.

Some blogs are older then the Daily Explorer, (which started Janurary 2012)   
AJHQ gives youtubers all sorts of things, they get views at whats coming, yes they share it, but usually a day (or a couple days..) after AJHQ tells them.
I'm not saying youtubers should have this, they should, but us Bloggers deserve some stuff too,

 as I said in one of my post (And the comment above) the first blogger Fuzzyshyivy, is most likely the only reason AJ Youtubers exist.

 Maybe the Daily Explorer would still be here,
Maybe there would be AJ Youtubers (I'm sure by now there would be AJ Youtubers, but also people like Julian2 would have quit already,)

But those are only maybe's, Fuzzyshyivy impacted every part of AJ, even roleplaying! Spinnybois are very annoying when you are roleplaying (Which I don't do anymore XD)  
I asked AJHQ for the Blogger Plaque (post plaque) in April. And its May.

I just really hope that AJHQ makes a Blogger Plaque, to give some credit to Bloggers, because they give lots of credit to Youtubers, and some to Artist, (anybody notice they took out News Crew and Diamond Challenges on the Daily Explorer?)
The real point of this is, (which I haven't really gotten to it yet o,o) 
 If AJHQ did do all those things, like give us more credit, we would probably become kind of famous.

People would swarm us, and always be at our dens, so we wouldn't know if it was a buddy or a fan, sure we could lock it, but what if we want likes on our masterpieces
 (WOW WE COULD GET 1000 LIKES ON OUR MASTERPIECES :OOO) And there are also JAGs, you wouldn't know if it was a buddy, or something important, say an approved masterpiece, donation masterpieces, etc. 
We would always be swarmed in Jamaa Township, anywhere, also, I'm sure people would be disappointed that I would never buddy them XD I would give auto's though, XD Sometimes...

(Btw I don't mean to complain and I'm not jealous, I just think it would be nice for le Bloggers to have a plaque cuz plaque's are cool) 

The Blogger Portal Chapter 7 More Adventure Awaits

We all climbed up the stairs and gasped,  in front of us, not five feet away, lay, "The Blogger Portal..." Tall whispered. "This just got a lot easier.." Flora said. I looked around uncertainly, 
"It can't be this easy." I said, Frozen giggled. "You're acting like this is some adventure novel." Coolcat winked. "It kind of is though." "Let's get home," "Huh?" said Lost, We all looked at her,
"What?" Tall asked.
 "My necklace.. its on my neck!" Lost exclaimed caressing the heart locket. 
Ja reached into her pocket and pulled out a poster. "My poster is back!"  
Flora patted her head, my fox hat is back too!" she exclaimed happily.
"My necklace is back!" Swirl squealed happily as she reached into her pocket, "And Jamaasian Middle." she added. "I left my Jamaasian High at home." Lost said with a small grin. 

We stepped towards door, when Coolcat stopped in her tracks, "Whats wrong?" Kara asked. 
"How long have we been gone.." she whispered. "I don't know, we haven't slept, and I'm dead tired, but who knows how time is working here sense its probably combined with all the time zones." Kara replied.  "Let's go." I said. We jumped through the portal and landed in a giant heap into..
"Whose room is this?" I asked my face to the floor. Ja got up and started laughing. Kara, Gracie, and Lost had landed in Boo Boo's crib. Fortunately my mom had just gotten him up. Everybody started laughing and they stepped out.  I noticed a tiny green light under the crib, I dove down and said "THE BABY MONITOR WAS ON!" I laughed. I heard feet running up the stairs, "Uhm you guys better go.." I said with a slight smile. "Yup, cya later guys!" Kraft said as they all climbed into the Blogger Portal. "Bye guys!" Me and Ja said. Suddenly our mom came up behind us. "Where have you two been!?" she exclaimed. "You've been gone for eight hours!" 
"We uhm went to the uh neighbors to pet Romio and Juliet, the dogs, and then had icecream and watched Finding Nemo.." I said. "Uh huh.." Mom said in an unbelieving tone,


Yup, that is the last chapter. But never fear uhm sequel is here! Well not here, right now, next Wednesday. I haven't came up with a name for the sequel but oh well, XD! 

Well, that's all for now Jammers! And remember! Stay safe, Jam On, Play Wild, and remember God made you! Byeee!  


  1. XDDDDD That meme... I'm crying, that is the best thing ever!!!!!!!! X'D

    Oh wow, I would love a Post Plaque. O,O Honestly, I don't get why YouTubers are the well-known while Bloggers are hardly known! Like, we put time and effort into blogs too! Some people say that YouTubers are more famous because they have more personality and yada yada who cares. XD Us Bloggers have LOADS of personality. So, you hear YouTubers voices. True. But still! And who says reading blog post isn't as fun as watching videos?! I love reading. More than watching a 10 minute video on YouTube. I don't get why people enjoy videos more when you have a set time on when you'll be finished the video while with blog posts, everyone had their own reading speed so it can be set at your own speed of when you'll get finished.

    Whew. I'm done now.

    JUST KIDDING! XD I still gotta talk about the chapterrrrrrrrrr!

    I SAID SOMETHING, YESH! *does a fist bump* And awww, sniffle, the story is over. D: And can I just say, I crack up thinking about me falling into a crib that has a BABY! XDDDD

    Great post!!!!!!!! XD

    1. XD Ty ;)

      Ikr, you can't just put really bad grammar in your posts, then people don't read it.
      Yeah us Bloggers have lots and lots of personality WHOEVER SAID THAT NEEDS TO SEE OUR POST'S
      And ikr, I would read a good book over a movie anytime, in this case its read a good post over a video anytime XD


      Oh yeah you must :)

      XDD *fist bumps* During the last chapter I noticed Coolcat, Kara, and Frozen hadn't said much o.o (SORRY GUYS) XDD Course he wasn't in it tho ;)

      Ty!!! :D

      I thought of another thing, you dont have 100000000000 comments XDDD)

  2. Yay someone agrees :3 I'm not jealous ether, But other people that have loads of talent never get noticed but the same few "Youtubers" are everywhere :P i actually don't want to be famous But being noticed by a random person that reads my blog would be kinda cool XD


    the story is over, Nuu! :P it held so much GREATNESS! XD Oh well everything ends at some point.

    1. Yup XD! Yeah, :/ And ikr. YAY FOR RANDOM PPL XDD


      XD Ty! And again, I'm sooo sorry for forgetting to add you D: D: D: Don't worry im giong to make a sequel

  3. Swarmed in Jamaa Township... constantly being yelled at by people who want to be on your buddy list... everything you do under public scrutiny....

    You want that? You, my friend, have more courage than I.

    I'll be honest, if blogging came with all that stuff, I have my doubts about whether I'd have the guts to do it. :/ *sigh*

    (But I want a blogger plaque. CX What would the qualifications be? Would you need a certain amount of views? Followers? Articles published? TELL MEEEEEEEE XD XD)


    1. XD I don't really want it, but it would be cool...


      Ikr, it probably wouldn't be on how many posts you have published because or people would just make tiny post about really random things... XD Probably followers, or views, or both? XD

  4. OOOOOH SO THATS WHAT DANIEL THE DRUM ISXD I was wondering what you guys were always talking aboutXD TBH, the only blog AJ probably knows of is the AJ spirit:/ And thats probably only because of Snowy. But you never know... I feel like us bloggers do deserve somekind of an award from AJ. Even if its just a blogger plaque! We deserve better than to just be ignored and known buy some people. Like some youtubers.... they barely had their youtube channel for like a year and then they get like 50 000+ subscribers???? AND ARE KNOWN BY AJ??? Like what is this????

    1. Yup! XDDD

      Ikr :/ And the AJS hasn't posted in such a long time,

      smart phones are the new HQ for games, and youtube is the new HQ for AJ social media. And ik some of us put a LOT more work into posting then to record a video, (Well it depends XD)
      The Animal Jam Community has like 3 millions views, (probably more), was made BEFORE THE ANIMAL JAM SPIRIT, and has been around way longer then any AJ youtube channel. WHY ISN'T IT NOTICED BY AJHQ. SERIOUSLY D: D: D:

    2. Actually, Vi, I think AJHQ knows about us bloggers! Because I remember, one time, Gracie was talking to AJHQ and mentioned her blog to them and they replied back "We know all about that" or something similar! So, if AJHQ knows about us bloggers... Why aren't they giving us plaques and things?

      Well, one reason could be that us bloggers tend to not always blog about AJ.... *raises hand* I do it all the time. I post about art, my life, AJ, things like that. So maybe, AJHQ doesn't give us, quote on quote, fame because they don't want all jammers to find blogs that give 'personal info' away... I really don't know but it's just a guess. :)

    3. Actually, That is a really smart idea to why they don't! :3 Good thinking Lost!

    4. Thank you so much, Tall! ^.^


    I honestly don't remember crushing the poor little dude, but I actually don't remember a lot of things... so...


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