
Friday, May 5, 2017

The Sinister Chicken Strikes Again

Greetings friends, Arctic here! I'm happy to say that I am feeling much better, and I managed to get through the cold quite quickly. Thanks for your kind support!

It's been a crazy week for me - I've had a LOT to do! Next week gets even crazier >.<

Speaking of crazy... I'll be heading out of town for a rad concert next Friday, so I'll have to remind myself to ask Gracie to find someone to cover for me! I'll tell you guys all about it when I get back!

Enough about my adventures, though. This is about AJ! So let's get going, shall we?

Not gonna lie, I'm not entirely sure what the new item for today is. With all these items on sale, it's getting tough to figure out what's new and what's not! I'd like to point out that all hats are for sale in Jamaa now, so if you want a hat - now is the time to get one!

Be sure to check out the four new hats in the Diamond Shop (here for only another 3 days!). I'm not sure how I feel about Top Hats returning. On one hand, it's great that more Jammers can have fun with them, but on the other hand, it's killing the rarity system and it's getting harder for artists to do commissions with! Depends on how you look at it, I suppose.

How do you feel about the returning items lately? Do you think it should stop, or do you want the older items to keep coming back? Tell me in the comments below!

The return of the Ol' Barn den is an exciting one! I must admit, though, that I never realized it was gone... Whoops. Anywho, AJHQ has released yet another one of their seasonal den preview things. I went to check it out when I noticed two things.

Firstly, the secret item is the Small Nest. Hidden cleverly above some crates on the second floor, this is a smaller counterpart to the previously released large nest! I'm pretty sure this one is the perfect size to hold a single egg. Very cute!

I'm afraid another... ahem... Situation happened in my den:

I'm beginning to get concerned by this chicken... Anyway:

The second thing that I noticed in the den was a small statuette of a fox:

This fox looks pretty familiar. Do you think it could be Amelia? The fox Alpha is pretty popular, so I could understand why this little fox would be here. I wonder if this item will get released in the future, or if we'll be seeing some more of this fox in the future. Food for thought!

I'm nearing the end of my post, but not before a small bit of wisdom for today!

Through some experiences I've been through lately, I've been realizing more and more that you should treat others with kindness. You never know who is going through a tough time. People are often very good at acting, and their real situation might be different than it appears on the surface. I strongly advise that you all try to make someone's day - a bit of kindness can go a long way! Hey, that rhymed!
Proverbs 12:25 says: Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

Happy Jamming!
Feel free to contact me at !


  1. Awesome post, Arctic!

    Glad to head you're feeling better :) colds are no fun :P.

    Ah, busyness. On Sunday I was so busy I didn't even play Animal Jam all afternoon 😝. I feel your pain XD

    Oh okay, I'll find someone to fill in for you :D What with all the ideas I have for posting, maybe I will 😜

    Oh dear... Your chicken um- is very concerning o.O

    That statue I believe has ended up in another one of the preview dens in the past. I wonder why AJHQ had it make another appearance. Maybe, possibly, it is Amelia? Or perhaps a new alpha, AJHQ has not yet released. A puzzling mystery.

    Yeah, I do think we all need to treat people with more kindness. I love doing random acts of kindness, and once someone asked me, "Why are you so kind?". I think that's something everyone should tell us. We need to show more kindness like you said :)

    Ah, I love that verse! I've been having a lot of anxiety lately, and this is just what a need :)

    Well, now I conclude this overly long comment XD Adios!

    Remember, God made YOU!

    1. Head? Hear* Oh my, my typos have been going wacky

    2. Thanks Gracie!

      I'm very worried about that chicken...

      It would definitely be cool to have a new alpha! Or maybe Amelia?

      I agree with you about kindness. It really is important to have a loving attitude toward others.

      See you around!

      - Arctic

  2. Oh my, I think you should lock up that chicken.. o.o XD I hope you have fun at the concert :D But we will miss you D:
    And I hope AJ adds a new Alpha, it's been a while XD

    1. I probably should... Though the chicken would probably escape and wreak havoc XD

      Thanks Sarah!

      - Arctic

  3. Hey, I just wanted to reply to the post before this. A Videographer Plaque is given to Jammer when AJHQ sees a video that they like. Usually they also put this video on their trending videos list.

    It would probably take a while to actually track down every Animal Jam-ish related blog with (insert that big number) views. That might possibly be the reason AJ is taking so long, they have to design the plaque, and what reasons to give the plaque and stuff.

    Just because you have a plaque though, doesn't mean you're automatically famous. I'm PRETTY SURE (not really though) that all the videos on the trending list have recieved a Videographer plaque, unless the Jammer already had one. And not everyone on that trending list is famous, some barely have any views.

    Also, SnowyClaw was a blogger and she works at AJHQ (as an intern) or something now. I do think bloggers deserve a little more recognition though.

    PS: There is a positivity plaque which are for positive influences on the community. If you as a Blogger become a positive influence you can get that.


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