
Sunday, July 30, 2017

7 Question Bible/Christian Music Tag, And My Birthday Party!

You guys: GRACIE! What on earth are you doing? Why are you doing a Swirlshine style intro? And why are you talking in caps?! YOU ONLY DO THIS ON ANIMAL JAM COMMUNITY. WHAT GIVES??
Me: Uhm, I thought I could change it up.. Y'know, to make my posts more interesting.
You guys: ....
Me: What?
Me: I'm just changing up the intro..
You guys: *Growls* We're out of here.
Me: What? Wait! DON'T LEAVE ME!
You guys: *Walk away furiously*
Me: *Cries*
You guys: *Completely vanish*
Me: *Hugs pineapple*🍍


Hehe! As you can see, I have changed up my intro a bit. I'll probably do that for a few of my blog posts 😜.

Anywho, let's jump into this Sunday's blog post!

For a while now, I wanted to make a Bible or Christian music tag. I don't know what's stopped me from doing it, so I decided to put both of those topics into one, and that would be this week's post!

Remember that 20 (I think it was 20) question tag everyone was tagging each other in a few months ago? This tag will be similar to that, because after I answer my own tag, I will be tagging 7 people, with the 7 questions I made up. Then the people I tagged, will have to do the same, making up their own questions at the end, but keeping the same Bible/Christian music theme.

Let's begin!



#1: What's your favorite Bible verse?
#2: What Christian song has spoken to you?
#3: What's your favorite book in the Bible?
#4: Who's your favorite Christian artist/band?
#5: What Bible verse has spoken to you?
#6: What's your favorite classic Bible story? (Such as Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, etc.)
#7: Hymns, or modern-day Christian music?

My answers:

#1: What's your favorite Bible verse?

I really like Philippians 4:6-7. ^.^ Which is,

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 4:6-7

#2: What Christian song has spoken to you?

There's about three that have.. Ehehe.. But I shall just tell you all about one of them 😜.
July 2nd of this year (yes I know the date ehehe), my Dad played a music video at church for the youth, called "Even If" by MercyMe. Before he even played it, I knew it wasn't my favorite song, and I could never quite hear the words correctly, so I guess that was apart of it. But when my Dad played it at youth group, it really spoke to me. I was so overwhelmed with anxiety that week, it was really what I needed. My niece was coming over for the week, and with her being a toddler, I just didn't think I could handle it. I played parts of the song over in my head during the first morning or two that she was here. It really is an incredible song. Click the image below to listen to the song! It should be the first video that pops up.

#3: What's your favorite book in the Bible?

Philippians for sure! It's a really good book. I've read it on my own, my Dad did a Bible study about it, and I have a ring with a verse from Philippians. The verse is my favorite one, shown above. ^.^

#4: Who's your favorite Christian artist/band?

I wrote a hard question. Oh dear.
Gosh, I like so many of them, it's hard to choose one that stands out from the rest.
I like Colton Dixon, Steven Curtis Chapman (more commonly called "S C C" on Animal Jam), MercyMe, We Are Messengers, for KING & COUNTRY, and uh- yeah. Hehe! 
If you can't tell, I've been insanely music crazy lately.. For my birthday I want wireless bluetooth earbuds, an Amazon gift card, and concert tickets..

#5: What Bible verse has spoken to you?

I have anxiety, so I love this verse. 😄

#6: What's your favorite classic Bible story? (Such as Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, etc.)

David and Goliath for sure! Currently I'm reading a book by Louie Giglio, and the framework of it is the David Goliath story. Something important that some may miss when reading the story of David and Goliath that Louie writes about, is that in the story, it's not supposed to be like we're David, fighting the giants in our lives, but rather, Jesus is the giant-slayer in our lives.
Pretty incredible when you think about it, that we have absolutely no control of the giants in our lives, no control in taking them down in a sense, but rather, it's all in Jesus' hands, the ultimate giant-slayer. That should give us all some incredible peace.

#7: Hymns, or modern-day Christian music?

I'd have to go with modern-day Christian music. Hymns are good, but I think modern-day music seems to connect with me better.. I dunno.

The 7 people I tag are..



Have fun answering the tag, and making up your own questions!


Now for the second part of the post!

It's that time of year again. My birthday is almost here!

Last year I had a little birthday party on Animal Jam with my friends, so I decided I'd have one again. I love spending time with my friends, so it would be fun to hang out with them on my birthday as well!

Last year, I believe I held the party on August 26th, the day before my birthday, but this year we aren't going to be doing much on my birthday, so I thought I could have this party day of.

Here's the party info!


Party info:

Location: Graciepopstar91's den on Animal Jam.

Date: August 27th 2017 (which is a Sunday)

Time: 4:00 PM PST (Pacific standard time) such as California CA, Nevada NV, Washington State WA, and Oregon OR.
5:00 PM MST (Mountain standard time) such as Salt lake city UT, St. George UT, Denver CO, Albuquerque NM, and Arizona AZ (It will be 4 PM in AZ because Arizona doesn't do daylight savings time).
12:00 AM in London.
1:00 AM in Paris, France.
1:00 AM HST (Hawaii Standard Time) such as Honolulu, and Hilo.
7:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) such as North Carolina NC, New York NY, South Carolina SC, Ohio OH, and Florida FL.
6:00 PM CDT (Central Daylight Time) such as Minneapolis, Wisconsin, Texas, and some parts of Canada.

What we will do at the party: Play mini-games, play find the plushie, hangout, and have a little devotional.

Reason for celebration: We're celebrating my birthday! Dress up yellow and green, or like a pineapple. Hehe.

People who can come to the party: Everyone! Young or old, non-member on Animal Jam or member, Christian or non-Christian, etc! Don't forget to invite all your buddies!

Are gifts needed?: Nah 😊.


I think a special guest might just show up to the party.. 😉 My lips are sealed until the party!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 19:20

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.

Remember, God made YOU!


  1. Ooooh, tag!!! XD (It was 11 questions, by the way!)

    Ah, I will have to do this tag after my hiatus! :)
    Hehe, my favorite Christian bands will probably be Owl City and Royal Tailor... XD


      -Swirlshine on her phone

  2. I may be able to go to the party.

  3. Might be able to come :)

    I cannot wait to do this tag :D

  4. I'm guessin the secret guest will be Dadpopstar.. hehe

  5. *GASP*

    Happy super early birthday, Gracie! Now I gotta go DRAWWWWWWW!!! XD!

    *Looks at Sarah's commenf above*
    Oh mah goodness, I'd love to see Dadpopstar there!

    Okay, I'm done bring hyper...




    - A very crazy Swirlshine who is on her phone at the moment


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