
Monday, July 31, 2017

Rare Item Monday! + Bible/Christian Music Tag!

Hey, Jammer's! CoolCat here with another post! Before I continue I just want to thank Gracie for covering me last week! Now here is about todays Rare Item Monday!

This weeks Rare Item Monday is the Rare Trident Necklace! It is located in Bahari Bay's Bahari Bargains. It can be found on the fourth page in the underwater store. It is for sale for 900 gems and it is members only. The colors of this necklace are blue and white.

Thoughts: AJHQ really threw me for a curveball when Gracie told me it was in Bahari Bay! That would have been the last place I looked, so thank you for telling me Gracie! I really do like this item! The colors are very nice, although it wouldn't look great on my signature underwater penguin! I do like this item, but because I hardly go underwater, and that its 900 gems, it was an easy pass for me.

Overall I give this weeks Rare Item Monday a 7.

Comment down below what you think!

Now onto the second part of this post! I seen I was tagged in Gracie's last post, so here are my answers to the tag, and then my own questions!


#1 What's your favorite Bible verse?

#2 What Christian song has spoken to you?

#3 What's your favorite book in the Bible?

#4 Who's your favorite Christian artist/band?

#5 What Bible verse has spoken to you?

#6 What's your favorite classic Bible story? (Such as Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, ect.)

#7 Hymns, or modern-day Christian Music?

My answers:

 #1 What's your favorite Bible verse?

''Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.'' Psalm 119:105

#2 What Christian song has spoken to you?

This song hasn't really spoken to me, but I really do like it a lot! Its called ''I will sing of your love forever.'' I do not know of the artist. I found it from my favorite artist singing it at one of his concerts. He is not a Christian artist but he is a Christian.

#3 What's your favorite book in the Bible?

I don't have one currently.

#4 Who's your favorite Christian artist/band?

I don't have one, but I really do like Flame!

#5 What Bible verse has spoken to you?

''Do not worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always give thanks. And God's peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.'' Philippians 4:6-7

#6 What's your favorite classic Bible story? (Such as Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, ect.)

 I would have to say Noah's Ark! I love the story of building the ark, and having to lead all the animals in! I also love how God created the rainbow as his promise to never flood earth again.

#7 Hymns, or modern-day Christian music?

I would have to say modern day Christian music!

Now here are my seven questions!

#1 What is your favorite day to go to church?

#2 What's your favorite Christian holiday?

#3 What's your favorite Christian movie?

#4 Have you ever been to a Christian concert?

#5 Have you ever been to a Christian theme park?

#6 What is your favorite Christian book?

#7 Who's your favorite famous Christian pastor seen on T.V?

Here are the seven people I will be tagging!


As always, bye Jammer's! And ~Jam On!~


  1. Thanks for tagging me! :D Now I'll have 2 tags to do on Wednesday

  2. Cool idea tagging Mrs.Popstar! :D
    *Husky Ninja


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