
Thursday, October 19, 2017

"15 Random Stuffz About Me" Tag!

Hey Jammers! Graciepopstar91 here, blogging in a waiting room on Wednesday.. πŸ˜› My mom is having a.. Procedure- thingy, so since I would have nothing to do, I brought my laptop, and decided to preschedule a post for Thursday.

So, today I decided it'd be fun to make a little tag! I call it, "15 Random Stuffz About Me". Stuffz. (:

Here's what it'll look like:
It will be non-AJ related, but must include appropriate content, no foul language, etc.. All you've gotta do, is write 15 random facts about yourself! It could include your favorite color, favorite hobbies, etc.. It'll be similar to the tag me and some of the Bloggers did a while back! So, credit to Lostfairy for originally coming up with a tag like this. But, I can't remember if we did 15 things or not. πŸ˜†

Anyhoo, let's get going!


1. I was born Gracie pop star91 on August 27th. 😊
My name isn't "Gracie pop star91"
But you get the idea

2. My favorite color is a teal-ish robin's egg blue color, so pretty much this color, the color of my Bible:

3. I'm a pastor's daughter, and have been all my life. ^.^ Recently my dad took over a small church, and that's why we recently moved, to be closer to there. If you weren't viewing AJFC during that month, I made a little "chatting board" page, and me, Gfox, Lostfairy, and Sarah were commenting on there. It was so much fun. 😊

4. If you know me well enough, you'll know that I'm an absolute Jesus freak, and am not ashamed to tell people that. Hence why I have a blog with Bible verses, and a quote from a pastor on the top. XD

5. I'm a "fangirl" over Christian music. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MY FAVORITE ARTISTS/BANDS?!
Of course you do. :D
Here they are, my most favorite artists/bands on the top, heeheehee
1. WE ARE MESSENGERS- THEY ARE THE BEST BAND EVER *hyperventilates* I love Magnify, Point To You, Everything Comes Alive, Shadows, Giants Fall, God With Us, Flesh And Bone, and probably more *nods*
2. Micah Tyler :ooooo He's amazingggg, I preordered his albummmm (listen to Even Then, PLEASE.).
3. Kristian Stanfill :o Salvation's Tide and Glorious Day are my favorite. ^.^
4. Danny Gokey o: I love a lot of his songs, especially The Comeback XD
5. Tauren Wells- HIIIILLLS AAAAAND VALLEYYYYYS, or *cue la church choir or my dad singing* WHEN WE- PRAAAY OH OH OH OH
I need to stop
I also am sorta starting to like Hollyn, which is kind of strange, I used to really not like her music, XDD!

6. I really want to learn guitar, since I love music so much. ^.^

7. I love watching Louie Giglio's sermons (he was the editor of The Jesus Bible, shown above, and a quote from his book is shown in the header above.). Me and my parents watch his sermons almost every night.

8. I have this little cutie:

His name is Flynn, and he's a terrier mix. I got this picture of him Tuesday night, while he was laying down on the rug in the living room. He's- errr- I want to say about five? Six? I dunno, we never knew exactly since we got him from an animal shelter when he was little. He's pretty lazy. XD

9. Even though I write for Animal Jam blog's, I'm not really all that into Animal Jam blogging. I really am thinking about starting another blog, and writing little inspirational Christian posts, to girls that are tweens/teens. My goal is to have the blog created/have my first post up by October 20th. XD Of course, I would still write Animal Jam blogs though. I would still blog Thursdays and Sundays on here, and write on Tuesdays on AJC. This would just be an addition to my blogging. I dunno, if it gets too much maybe I would take off blogging on Sundays here, but I don't know. I really don't know. XD

10. My favorite TV shows are The Bobby And Damaris Show (on Food Network), Southern At Heart (also on Food Network), and Counting On (on TLC). Counting On is a show after 19 Kids And Counting, and it's of the adult girls in the Duggar family (who have 19 kids), and it's pretty much getting to the point where it's just a bunch of the girls getting married XD But it also showing the girls' lives, I dunno, I like it. My parents think it's boring, though, because it's pretty much the same storyline over and over and over again. (But so is House Hunters πŸ˜’)

11. My favorite meal is tostadas. Tostadas is a Mexican meal. It's a crunchy corn tortilla, with beans, chicken, and toppings. My favorite way to have them is with chicken that's been cooking in a crockpot for hours with salsa and seasonings, and putting homemade guacamole on the top.

12. I have Arrostophobic.. πŸ˜” Hehe, it's just a fancy word for the fear of catching a virus, even a cold. I got that from my friend, and I seriously commented: "MY ANXIETY HAS A NAME!! YAYYYY *dances* XDD"
I'm also afraid of getting food poisoned, since I've been food poisoned before. (Don't get a mango black tea from Starbucks. XDD)

13. My favorite holiday is- this will sound strange but- Fourth of July. I love Fourth of July. XD I also love Christmas. ^.^

14. I've been to a professional baseball game before, but it was super boring. I think getting snacks and going to the sports shop was more fun than actually watching the game. XDD I have no idea how the rules work. Our church has played kickball before, which is similar to baseball, and I seriously almost forgot to run. Er- pretty much did forget to run. Yeah. I'm very uneducated in baseball.

15. I've been homeschooled all my life. I'm blessed to have never been taught in a public school. XD
We do Good News Club in a middle school, and it really seems like middle school is really bad in public school. It's just like, how do these kids survive?
I've never witnessed "childrens" at kindergarten, elementary, or high school. Are they bad in public school too? o.o


Now I tag,

Flora Cutegirl

Now we watch another tag blow up the blogger community. 😊 XDD


Here's todays Bible verse!

Proverbs 12:18

Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.



    Oooo, I didn't know that you had a dog! HE'S SO CUTE AND FLUFFY AND HAS PRETTY EYES

    As for no 12, hehe, it's arrostophobia. I don't really know if it's an actual thing or not, but I once heard my mom saying it :P

    1. Yeeeey! :D

      Yup, he's my precious lil' doggie XD Every morning he comes and digs his face around in my bed, it's adorable XDD

      Oh XD! Well, us bloggers are gonna make it a thing. :D We shall make a new word. Bloggers: *nods*

      Remember, God made YOU!

    2. OH OOPS
      WHY DID I PUT ARROSTOPHOBIC?? *sigh* Typos
      Arrostophobiaaaaaa XD

      Remember, God made YOU!

  2. Ooooo!! Nice tag!!! :D Me wanna do it so hopefully I get tagged. XD

    Juuuust saying, the tag you were thinking of was NOT an AJ tag made by Swirlshine. It was in fact called The Sunshine Blogger Award Tag where you answer 11 questions and it was created by some blogger years and years ago. A lot of AJ bloggers think it's an AJ tag made by some AJ person but that is a lie. DX

    Just wanted to throw that out there so hopefully people realize this. :)

    1. Thanks! :D XD The way the tags normally go, you'll probably be tagged in like 1-5 days XD

      Oh, nu I wasn't thinking about that one, I was thinking about this one that wasn't a tag, but just sorta caught onto be one XD

    2. *comment lockup*
      But Swirl said she got the idea from you, I didn't see that part XD I'll be sure to change the credit tho on my post to you c:

      Remember, God made YOU!

    3. XD True, that is trueeeeee. Smart Gracie. ;)

      OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH, THATTTTTTTTT ONEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! XD Right, right, sorry for charging in yelling about the other tag. XD

      Aw, thanks! CX

    4. Wow. Commented again under my sister's account. Sorry!!!!




      I don't have any girl cousins on my moms side, but I do have one on my dad's side.. But she's an adult so.. XDD

      That's really cool tho :o!

      Remember, God made YOU!

  4. Aww! I love cute tiny fuzzy doggies like that! :3

    OOOH! Forth of July! That's a good one! :D


    1. Hehe, me too :D Flynn has the cutest looks sometimes XD Sometimes me and my dad will think he's smirking, XD

      Yuuussss πŸŽ‰

      :o You haven't either?

      Remember, God made YOU!




  5. :O Cute dog!

    I know I didn't get tagged, but can I do it too? Just delete this comment if the answer is no :P

    1. I'm horse mad. I have no idea where on earth I got this from, since I'm the only horse mad person in my family (And relatives, and such). I'm super desperate to have a horse, but for now, I'll stick with riding a pony once a week ;)

    2. I play the piano, but I'd rather find pieces than do piano lessons!

    3. I love to colour blue. My mum complains that my wardrobe is full of blue, white and black clothing!

    4. I'm exactly what you'd consider as a girly girl. One look at fancy dresses and -shudders- Ugh!

    5. I don't have much friends in real life D:

    6. I don't play AJ anymore, I play Star Stable (Not mentioning server, since it sorta gives out location)

    7. The top of my Christmas Wishlist is always a horse and a nice big property to keep it on (Which won't happen for ages XD). We actually have enough space to keep a horse that is prone to laminitis (As in, can't really have grass), or a miniature horse, but we aren't allowed ;-;

    8. I've been to a small handful of countries, including USA and Canada >:D

    9. I don't have a blog at the moment, but I hope to make a baking blog sometime next year, unless circumstances change.

    10. I'm slightly allergic to cats, however I'm fine if I take medicine :D (Unless it's too late D: )

    11. I only have pet chickens and fish (And while I live in a suburb with no horses allowed, someone is allowed to graze their horses near our property! >:( )

    12. The reason why my Animal Jam account name is sugarcat2, is because I love candy, and I sorta love cats. The number 2 means nothing.

    13. I don't follow any specific band/artist, but I sometimes like listening to music that come from family movies (For example, some music from Madagascar :P)

    14. (Running out of ideas :P ) So far my riding progress hasn't gone very far. Just walk, trot, and a bit of canter. I want to start competing next year. I also do a mix of English and Western (I ride in a Western bridle and an English saddle :P )

    15. Because my answers mostly has horse stuff with it, I'm assuming everyone's already annoyed, which I'm used to :P


    1. You get to ride a pony once a week?
      Your very very very very luckyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
      I usually only get to go horse riding 1-3 times a year :L

    2. Yes I do >:D

      Just did trekking today (I do riding at a friends), and I was able to canter by myself for the first/second time (Goals!) I'm actually not super experienced, I only started riding last year, and proper riding lessons this year XD

      Great to see another horse lover around here, don't give up on your dreams, I'm sure there'll be a riding school near you, and sometimes they give free rides if you help out (I think, it really depends on the school. When I volunteered at a riding school before, I never got a free ride XD)


  6. Hehe you know what's funny?
    I did my post about the tag, before gracie posted hers, cuz I saw it in a draft. XDDDD
    *Husky Ninja

  7. I LOVE counting on too! XD my dad thinks its boring too XD -penelopeiscute

  8. That moment when ur not tagged but still rlly want to do it HERE I COME

    1. I'm rlly obsessed with lots of things. As of now it's mainly MCSM and Star Wars
    2. My favourite band/artist (used to be a band but now it's just Ryan) is Sleeping At Last. Is really good and warms my soul. My favourite sings by them are Woodwork, Earth, Next to Me and every other song they've done I kid you not there is not a single one I don't like as much
    3. I have really weird dreams mostly involving me and my friends favourite characters coming to life.
    4. When I'm happy I make a noise that sounds like a squealing piglet.
    5. I don't like pop music. At all. I like Country and Alternative :p
    6. I don't like school because all the kids are crazy and run around swearing and fighting each other
    7. My favourite food is jalapeΓ±o peppers. I like spicy stuff.
    8. On Christmas day I will have been playing webkinz for 10 years.
    9. On a similar note I still collect cuddly toys and have about 40 on my bed..
    10. Christmas id my favourite holiday mainly because of the cheerful atmosphere
    11. On that subject, my favourite Christmas songs are I'll be home for Christmas and 364 days to go
    12. I really want silkie chickens but I cant have any because we live next to the woods which is filled with foxes and pigeons (pigeons can give chickens a disease)
    13. I call people Cheezits.
    14. Every year I look back on my old art from the year before and cringe.
    15. And finally
    The thing nobody knew

    there's a portal in my wardrobe.



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