
Friday, October 20, 2017

15 Random Things About Arctic (a tag!)

Hullooooo~ Jammers! How are you all doing on this day? Great, I hope!

Recently (and by recently I mean yesterday), Gracie made a new tag where you post fifteen fun facts about yourself! Cool right?

So yes! I apologize in advance, but you're gonna have to sit through a post all about me! Buckle up your seatbelts because it's gonna be an adventure into the Arctic!

Get it?

Because its an adventure into the Arctic?

And I'm Arctic?

And seatbelts?

Because planes?

To get to the Arctic?

No, alright. Let's just get moving:

1. I'm a musician! I've been playing piano for 12 years now - since I was four!

Yep! I looooove music, especially rock. I started a band with a couple of my school friends and we became a hit at my old school! Doing this is what prompted me to start guitar 2 years ago!

2. I'm scared of really small spaces, loud machines, the dark, and clowns!

Of all of them, the dark and clowns are the biggest no-no. Combine the two and you've got a perfect recipe to keep Arctic FAR FAR AWAY.

3. My favourite subjects are English and French!

I love reading and writing, and I'm quite good with languages! These two are my favourite subjects, and I do quite well in them! Maybe you can tell by the word of the day that I always include in my posts on the AJC!

4. My least favourite subject is Physics!

Science was always one of my favourite subjects until last year (grade 10). Physics was introduced and my mind completely decided to quit! No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my head around it... Thankfully, in grade 11 you get to choose which different Science classes you take (and you'd better believe physics is NOT one of them!)

5. My favourite food is probably meatloaf or sushi!

I just can't ever seem to get enough of either of them!!

6. I love puns!

I have a punderful sense of humour *ba-dum tshh*

I spend so much of my time making puns that my friends are constantly attentive - they want to try and avoid my silly jokes as best as they can!

7. I'm a proud Canadian!

I'm super proud of my Country, but I'd also love to try visiting all kinds of other cool countries!

8. I love editing!

Unfortunately, I don't get much time to do it anymore! School has been super busy for me lately, and I haven't had many chances to get down to work and edit!

9. I've had four 'main looks' over the span of my AJ lifetime!

My first look was a light blue fox with a blue beret and blue high heel shoes! I quickly abandoned that look though, in favour of my classic fox with a candy necklace and fox hat.

It's only recently that I moved on from that too and used my raccoon with an acorn hat and violin as my main animal. It's definitely (in my opinion) the best look I've ever had, and I used it all the time!

My fourth main look is my tiger wearing a bunny hat, which I use for adventures and when I'm non-member (since all the items are for non-members!)

10. Arcticstar8404 is NOT my first account!

This might come as a surprise to some of you! Arcticstar8404 (or Arctic as I am known by) is my second account. Before this one, I briefly had a non-member account called Strongheart5578. That was my first AJ account. I decided after a while that I wanted a cooler username, and that I had had enough of the one creepy buddy who kept following me everywhere (I didn't know how to unbuddy anyone at the time) and thus, my new account was born!

11. I have been an author for 4 blogs during my AJ lifetime!

First, was an old blog that I started myself (on my old blogger account simply called Arcticstar) known as the Animal Jam Legend. It's still in existence - though I quit that blog a long time ago, I never had the heart to delete it! Here's a link if you're interested in my terrible blogging of the past:

I quit that blog when theSlidoo accepted me as a new author for the Animal Jam Community (where I have been posting and now moderating ever since!)

After a couple years, my great friend Gracie invited me to post here as well! I'm so blessed to be posting in such a wonderful environment!

And now, I also post on the Animal Jam Artist Collaborative! That makes four blogs total!

12. My favourite holiday is Easter!

Ah, Easter. A time of celebrating the Lord's love! In addition, I love chocolate - so a day where we can enjoy baby animals, look at pastel colours, have fun in the sun, eat chocolate AND recognize Jesus' resurrection? What could be better?!

13. My favourite colour is... probably green?

Agh! I get asked so often what my favourite colour is - I DON'T KNOW MAN. Green is definitely one of my favourites, but I've also always liked yellow and orange... Hmm!

14. I like the simple things in life!

While most kids my age spend their time taking increasingly embarrassing photos of themselves, and being on their phones all the time, I'd much rather a good book or a walk in nature. I also still enjoy playing with stuffed animals (which unfortunately not everyone appreciates, haha!)

15. I love animals!

BUT I'M ALLERGIC TO MOST OF THEM. This can be a real struggle considering I love all of them and want them to love me back. Also, I'd love to be a zoologist someday (travelling around the world, maybe have a National Geographic TV show, and maybe help out for Animal Jam like Dr. Brady Barr and Tierney Thys!)

Phew! That's all for that - what a long post!

If you haven't been tagged yet, consider this your tag! So go ahead - anyone and everyone, give this tag a try!

I hope you've learned a bit more about me, and found some of these facts interesting!

See you soon!

Peace out!


  1. Amazing post! ^.^ I knew some of these facts but not all! :D Feels like I know ya better, ya know?

    Ooooooo, I need to do this taggggg. XD

    1. Thank you Lost!!

      Yes, you must!

      (also, we ended up tying for the Blogger of the year!)

      - Arctic

    2. I know! :D I'm really happy we tied!!! ^.^

      Congrats, Arctic!!


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