
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Birthday Party Rescheduled!

Hi guys! What's up? I hope you're having a great end of the week! My week hasn't been that great. My sister is still in the hospital, and we currently have no idea when she's getting out, or moving, or anything... I just really want this to be over with. I've just been feeling super overwhelmed because we have no idea when this is gonna end. I have to admit, it's hard to trust God in all this, but I'm trying to get better at that. I know He's basically our only hope right now, and He'll get us through this. My heart knows this will end, but my head thinks it will just last forever. So please pray for me, my sister, and my whole family. Please pray for strength, peace, and that we'll all put our trust and faith in God.

Let's get started with today's blog post!


Soooooo, likeeeeee, I can't remember when it was exactly, but about two weeks ago I posted that I was going to have a birthday party on the 26th! Unfortunately mostly everyone said that they weren't gonna be able to make it that day, so I decided I'd change the date, and see if this new date works better for everyone! So without further ado, here's the new date and party info.


Party Info:

Location: Graciepopstar91's den on Animal Jam.

Date: September 1st, 2018 (which is a Saturday)

Time: 11 AM PST Pacific standard time such as California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington state 
2:00 PM EST Eastern standard time such as Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and New York 
12 PM MST Mountain standard time such as Arizona (except during day light savings) New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho
1 PM CST Central standard time such as Texas, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Arkansas Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Kansas 
7:00 PM UK time such as London
8:00 AM HST Hawaii standard Time such as Honolulu, and Hilo 
10:00 AM Alaskan Time Zone. 

What we will do at the party: Play mini-games, hangout, and have a Christian music quiz game

Reason for celebration: We're celebrating my birthday, which is on August 27th! The theme is music, so come wearing your headphones, and your best concert gear!


I'm really glad I'm changing the date, for several reasons, one being that my sister is still in the hospital, and possibly still could be on Sunday. And the second being that I haven't decorated my den for my party at all...

Even though I'm going with a music theme on Animal Jam, I'm going with a pineapple theme again in real life! Today we bought a yellow tablecloth, a pineapple banner, green napkins, and yellow forks for the decoration. Aaaand I will be making a pineapple upside down cake! Sounds like a repeat of last year... Except this year we bought mustache buttercream mints, because last year we bought the pineapple ones online...
They only had mustache ones, unless I wanted to get ones that said "It's a boy!" or, "It's a girl!" for a baby shower. Or if I wanted wedding ones (which we didn't even know they had until we checked out). So mustache ones were the best option... XDD My sister loves mustaches, so I'm sure she'll like them.


Here's todays Bible verse!

2 Corinthians 4:17

For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!

It's a huge relief that what I'm going through right now won't last very long, and in the end, God will be glorified forever. That gives me so much hope during this hard time.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. I may be able to come!! But I’m not sure yet, it depends if I have to work that dayXD OOH my dad makes pineapple upside down cake the odd time maybe once a year? It is so good. I don’t eat the pineapple though, cause I can’t eat pineapple anymore since it’s to acidic for me...

  2. i might be able to come! im so sorry everything is going on in your life, but i think God planned this so you would have friends in life and aj/blogging to help you. i lately got a book of christian quotes from my moms prayer partner at church and i wanna share some with you.
    1. "find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings." -unknown
    2. "may you always walk in sunshine. may you never want for more." -Irish blessing
    3. "when we lose one blessing, another is most unexpectedly given in its place." -C.S. Lewis
    4. The Lord bless you and keep you -Numbers 6:24
    5. "sometimes when we least expect it, a small cross proves a lovely crown" -Louisa May Alcott
    well i hope those help
    Purplesnowie the (hopefully) soon to be blogger

  3. I should be able to make it!


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