
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Top 10 Best Hats Currently Out

Hellllllo everybody! :Walks out with a crazy hat:

"Umm, may I ask what is up with that hat?"

:Tosses hat: Well today I am going to be posting about hats!

"Umm, why?"

Why not? Hats have a lot of benefits!

"Oh, come on house322! Get started with your post already!"

Sorry, someone is a little impatient today.

Okay, so today, as you can tell by my intro. (Let me know if they are too crazy, or not crazy enough, please). I am going to posting about top 10 coolest hats/headwear in AJ right now! Let's get started!

10- The Floppy Hat

This hat is for your own safety. It's big and well...FLOPPY! It comes in 8 colors, unfortunately, it's member! This would be a really cute hat for the Non-members out there. I am sure a lot of cute outfits could be made with this hat! I did find a similar hat at the summer carnival for all you Non-members out there! (Ahem, me!)

9- The Caramel Apple Hat

I guess some days you just feel like being a caramel apple. I know I do...Yeah right, but it's is a pretty cool hat. I guess if you ever decide that you do feel like you want to be a sticky mess, well there is a perfect hat for you!

8- The Pineapple Hat
This is a really cute hat, it shows just how clumsy I am. It looks like I fell into a pineapple. Anyway, if I was a member this would definitely be a hat that I would have, let's be more specific. I would probably have 2 in every color (so 16 in total), it's just soooooo cute! :Explodes of cuteness overload:

7- The French Braid 

This is amazing for role-playing. You just have so many color options. If you into the more uncommon colors they have those too! I personally love the pink one...but that's just me! It's also easy to change them. At the click of a button, you could have a new hairstyle! "Now that was easy"

 6- Coral Hat

Unfortunately, this one of the many member underwater items. However, if you are a member this is a really cool hat for you sea otter, sea turtle, dolphin, or any other underwater animal you may have.

5- The Butterfly Bow 
This is who I am! Okay, it's very subtle but stylish! The good think about this is that it's available for Non-members! That would be the main reason why it's part of my main look. 😏

4- The Eagle hat

This is one of those items that has been in Animal Jam for a really long time - 5-years to be exact. I remember when these first came out. I don't know exactly what advent they came out for, but I do remember them coming out. It's pretty cool if want to act like an eagle a day. 😃

3- Golden Unicorn Horn

This is awesome for fashion shows. I know I've used the Non-member "Icicle horn" for many, many, many, fashion shows. The golden color helps make you feel like you're royal toooo!

2- Diamond Head Bow

Would you like to be a princess? This bow will add the perfect touch to your princess outfit. You'll be the most royal person in Jamma...or not, but hey! You'll look good in it!

The last one is...

But wait!

"House322, we are still reading...and we don't have all day."

Sorry, but first we must mention a few honorable mentions!

The Beehive Hat (Member) Frog Hat (Member), and Egyptian hat, if you want to play Pharaoh (Member)

Okay, drum roll, please. :Grabs drum and pounds on it:

1- Pixelated Koala Head

Now personally, Koalas are my second favorite animal (first being a turtle). So, it stands to reason why I put this first on my list. We all have to admit that these pixelated series are adorable!

That is all for today's post! Thank you, Gracie, and to all you guys - the readers! It is such a huge blessing and privilege to be writing on here! I am so happy to be a part of the community. I do not take the privilege of writing on here lightly! I am super thankful for all you guys!

  Today's Encouraging Quote: 
True forgiveness is not an action after the fact, it is an attitude with which you enter each moment. - David Ridge 

Today's Bible Verse:
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.- John 17:17 (KJV) 


Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


  1. Your intros are perfect! Do whatever you feel like.

  2. That's nice to see someone paying attention to the poor pixel hats, everyone ignores them.


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