
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Blogger Request — Purplesnowie!

Hi Jammers!

Karalee here!

I’m going to try out a new post style today — what do you guys think of a picture-heavy format?

Well, that’s all I’ve got for this week! Next week is a chibi of Lostfairy — I’m all out of requests after that! (I really need to think of something to post myself instead of relying on y’all to supply my content for me! šŸ˜…)

 James 2:17
”In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”

See you next time! *waves*




  1. OM THATS SO CUTE!! Sense you're out of requests, by any chance could you draw my bunny as a human (the one with the clover blanket and old hood on) in that exact pose and style?

  2. its adorable! i would have said something soonert but phone wouldnt let me comment this morning...(sigh) well anyways! ITS! ADORABLE! OH! MY! GOODNESS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well anyways update on my new blog... well um yeah about that.... guys ummm.......... i never asked. yeah
    dont ask why.... ok please ask me! here is why before you ask! well um we were very busy. plus i had to listen to we are messengers all last week as homework from school!!!!! (i wish sigh and gracie you probably agree) well anyways... i have one thing to say about this. i will ask very soon! WHEN i do i will tell you guys what they say! IF i get a blog you will be able to find me at the animal jam snowball! (after my cat) well anyways lemme decide how im gonna tell them... any ideas? advice about how you got a blog if you have one? tips on what to say and when? you can find me at this very comment section right here! i will thank you in my blog acknowledgments!(ok no my blog wont have that but i will give you my greatest thanks because i despretely need help! help me please before the nyan cat and her army of unicorns come and destroy me!)
    well thanks for the support, help, and inspiration!

  3. oh wow!!!! so adorable great job!!!

  4. That’s so cute, Kara! ^.^

    I can’t wait for next week, it feels like forever since I’ve requested art! XD


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