
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Two New Authors!

Hi guys! I hope you're having a great weekend! I'm writing this post early Saturday afternoon, so my weekend technically hasn't really started... But whatever... XDD

I haven't really posted any updates on my sister lately, but she's been doing really good! She's back home now, and is going to be moving around September 2nd or sooner. She really could move any time past Monday, because that's when she's getting the staples out of the place where they operated on, but she wants to be fully recovered before she travels.

Anyways, let's get going with today's post!


June 6th, Sarahkey8 wrote her last blog post on here. And earlier this week, August 15th, Arcticstar8404 also wrote her last post.

Ever since Sarah stopped writing for AJFC, I've really been praying about who should take her spot. There were two people I had in mind, but obviously, that wouldn't really work having two people writing for just one day during the week. So I continued praying about it, and when I saw Arctic was going to be leaving AJFC, I knew it was just confirmation to make these two people authors.

So, those two authors are...

Housemom418 and Housemom322!

I'm so excited that you guys are going to be writing for AJFC as full-time authors, and not just fill-in authors. I know these girls are going to be an amazing addition to AJFC! They're awesome Christians, and just awesome people to be around.

I took some screenshots of when I told them they were gonna be authors, as I always do... Huehuehue

At first she wasn't gonna ask her sister to come on. How rood ):( XDD

Aaaand then my computer wouldn't let me take anymore screenshots of course... It was basically just Housemom418 freaking out though. XDD

AJFC has really been the place where a lot of bloggers have started on. Coolcat, Ja, Kara (or did you start your blog before you started writing on AJFC, I can't remember... XDD), and Sarah all started first blogging here on AJFC, which is super cool! So I'm really excited that Housemom418 and Housemom322 get to have their start with blogging here too.

Welcome to AJFC Housemom418 and Housemom322!!


Here's todays Bible verse!

Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.

God made you. Uniquely. Beautifully. Intentionally. Purposefully. Wonderfully.


  1. Congrats on being full time authors Housemom322 and Housemom418!

  2. Wait, Sarahkey8 left? Oh! Well, congrats to the new authors, look forward to seeing a new style of posting!

  3. Congrats Housey (418) and Houze (322)! (Lemme know if you want your nicknames changed lol) I had a feeling you'd become full time authors some day soon. ;)


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