
Saturday, September 8, 2018

See you in a few months!

Heey guys, this post is difficult to write but I feel like I need to do this.
I'm going to be taking a hiatus for a few months.
I promise you I'm not going to quit for a long time.
I just need a little break! And sense we just got two new authors I though it'd kinda be a good time.
This hiatus won't last very long, 4 months the longest.
I will  post a update once a month on Trump and a few things on my life
I will still try to come on Animal Jam sometimes. And I will be on Google hangouts almost the usual amount. And I will still be reading all blog post and commenting.
The reason for this is:
I've been kinda stressed with posting lately.
I've been really busy.
I have a dog now and these months are really important training time for him.

So this is kind of goodbye for a bit.

See you in a few months!

*Husky Ninja


  1. Awww. See you soon Ja! Glad you’re not quitting fully:)

  2. *hugs Ja* I’ll miss your posts dearly, your posts are always amazing and so fun to read. You’re a stellar blogger!

    But I fully support this. Life behind the computer should come first before blogging and stuff. I hope I’ll be able to chat with you loads on Google Hangouts still. ^.^

    Looking forward for your return but I’m happy that your taking time to train Trum Trum and live life. <333

  3. I will miss you! I will also pray for you as you go through stress :)
    - partyon25


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