
Friday, September 7, 2018

Struggling with Anxiety and Depression

Hi guys! This isn't really a post i'd post about, but I feel like it needs to be addressed. This post is mostly for me to look back on when I have Anxiety and Depression, but it also is for you guys of course! So, lately I've been struggling with Anxiety and Depression a lot. One thing I've learned, is that you have to keep fighting. It's hard to do, but it's true. Sometimes you feel like you just want to give up, but don't do it. You have to pray, and tell God all your struggles. Here is a bible verse. 
1 Peter 5:7 (King James Version) 
''Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.''
This is a very good verse for Depression and Anxiety, because sometimes you feel like nobody cares about you, and what's the point to life. Here is a song.

I hope this video works, if it doesn't copy this link
As Joel Smallbone said in the video, this song was written since somebody had depression. I feel like a lot of people have depression, and some people probably think that they got depression just because, but in some cases, that's really not true. The reason why you get depression and anxiety, is because of your thoughts. When you think on those things, you should pray to God to get the thoughts out of your head, and carry on. Sometimes Depression and Anxiety can cause to suicide. Here is another video from For King and Country.
If you don't have Depression nor Anxiety, please just speak to those who have depression. Sometimes it makes you feel better if you just tell someone about it. Feel free to comment down below if you have depression, or anxiety. Both is fine too, but if you don't have any you can comment down below a sweet comment to those who have it. I decided to create a depression and anxiety movement. If you support it, jag me on Animal Jam saying I support, or you can say in the comments #Anxiety&Depressionmovement. I really feel like this needs to go out here, because suicide has been happening a lot, and a lot of times it's because of depression and anxiety! 2 reasons why people get depression is because of this..
1. Thoughts. I already explained this earlier, but this is where A LOT of anxiety and depression comes from.
2. Bullying. Bullying is a really big deal. Now, most of us have gone back to school, and that's really where a lot of the bullying comes from. The people who bully you, are most and likely just trying to lift the burden off of themselves, and put it on you. Stop bullying today.
             If you have anymore thoughts of this topic, please comment it down below.
If you know someone who has/had depression, ask them some tips to get through the fight. Depression and Anxiety is literally basically a war in your head, and that's all you focus on. If you are having suicidal thoughts, call 1-800-273-8255. If you guys have anxiety and depression, i'd recommend listening to God Only knows and Light it up everyday. Anyway, lets support each other. Bye guys.
1 Peter 5:7 (King James Version) 

''Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.''

Fight, stay strong, and carry on.


  1. As you said...


  2. I agree. I don't have anxiety or depression but this post still sorta spoke to me... why? Blogging. Now you may be confused. I get it. Let me explain. Anxiety has a little bit to do with fear in some cases because having a big fear can lead to anxiety about that fear. Well, I have a confession. The reason I haven't asked my parents about blogging is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of asking. Lack of courage. High level of shyness. Fear of everything... I know it is technically impossible to have a fear of everything, but I sorta do. I don't struggle with something like depression or anxiety. I struggle with fear. Fear that when kept inside leads to anxiety. And anxiety that can lead to not achieving your dreams... so yeah maybe I don't have anxiety. And maybe I don't have depression. But I have fear. Fear that leads to anxiety and things much worse than that. But I also know one thing. I know God is in control. And you know what else? Fear, anxiety, and depression can lead to good things sometimes. They can show you how to climb over the highest mountains, mountains you thought at first were impossible to be climbed. And you know what. Everyone struggles with something, but when they conquer that thing, they become stronger.
    Here are some random quotes:
    "I look up to the mountains. Does my strength come from the mountains. No... my strength comes from God, who made Heaven and Earth... and the mountains."- for King and Country, Shoulders
    "You said you'll be the dancer and I'll be the track let your heartbeat answer the music I make shed all of your demons in the black of the night cause even the broken can dance in the light." - We are Messengers, Dancing in the Dark
    "We were made to be courageous and we're taking back the fight, we were made to be courageous and it starts with us tonight, the only way we'll ever stand, is on our knees with lifted hands, make us courageous, Lord, make us courageous." - Casting Crowns, Courageous
    Those were all songs btw. I love music too much...
    oh well
    You are fearfully, wonderfully made
    Ps I am joining the movement btw

  3. Excellent post. I love these messages.


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