
Friday, October 5, 2018

My new pet Dove!


Good morning! Good afternoon! Goodnight! Eh, let's just say whenever you are reading this. I hope you've been having a wonderful day so far, because I know I have. Some of y'all probably didn't care for the joke above, but the reason why I did that joke, is because my sister LOVES it. This is because, you're thinking that it's going to be like an exact weight, but it's actually not. Anyway, let's get started. 
So, as you probably saw from the title, I got a pet dove! I traded my pet seal for it and a couple masterpieces, but I totally think it was worth it. I'll probably get another pet seal soon. If any of you have a pet seal of any color for trade, please let me know in the comments or jag me. Thanks! ^.^
So, are you ready to see my beautiful pet dove?

Here is her certificate. 
So she is blue and pink, but i'm thinking about switching her for another color. Should I, or should I not? I'm still deciding, but I need YOUR opinion! Anyway, here's the story...
So, I got on Animal Jam Item worth wiki, and decided to search ''promo pets.'' When I did this, a bunch of promo pets came up. Here is some pictures of the worth of the pets.
I was really surprised at the worth of the pet seal. Yesterday, it said 1 black long + Good long + Bad long, or something around there, but I searched it today and now it's just 1 black long and add. It was worth just a good short collar XD. So, I traded 4 masterpieces and my pet seal. The person who gave it to me was SUPER sweet! Make sure to comment down below what your favorite promo pet is! Well, that's it for today. Bye!!!

                     Psalm 119:11 King James Version (KJV)

       11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.


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