
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Update post on, Me! :D

Hi Guys!
It's been kinda weird not posting on here!
But I said I'd give an update post and that's what this is! :D

Today has been great for me!
We went to a best friends birthday party and did a pinata, kitkat hunt, and swung out of the loft in her barn! Met some fun people I wish I could have gotten their email address, It was soooo much fun!!!
I haven't really been up to much beside talking for friends on hangouts and playing Fortnite XD

Trump has been doing really good in his SPOTIFY WHY ARE YOU "NOT RESPONDING" puppy class I think he's one of the best dogs in the class, even my mom and our friend think so. XD
We only have 3 weeks of the puppy class left
I'll edit this later and put in a picture of Trump :D

*Husky Ninja 

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