
Friday, December 7, 2018

Forgotten desert!

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog post! Today, I'm going to be doing the forgotten desert while I'm member! WOOT WOOT! Let's get right into it!
I'll be doing 3 rounds.
 Round 1.

Round 2.
Round 3.
Well, I guess that's it for today! I know it's kinda like a lousy post, but what most probably don't notice, is that it actually takes a longer time i'd say to make a intro than to do the actual blog posts. But, I do love to do the intros! Anyway, I hope you guys understand. Also, the forgotten desert takes like 16 minutes each to do, so if you calculate that... 
48 MINUTES PLUS AROUND... 45 minutes around there... =
93 minutes
convert that...
1 hour and 33 minutes!
Anyway, bye guys!
2 Samuel 12:1
And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor. 


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