
Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Brick Wall

Helloooo everyone! I'm so sorry I didn't post on Thursday! I've had a cold, and wasn't feeling good at all that day. House told me the day before that she could cover for me if I needed it, but I only thought about it for a second on Thursday, and by the time I thought about it again it was like 10 pm. XDD Thank you for the offer though, House!

Today's post is just kinda gonna be me talking about some more real life topics, and what the Bible says! Let's begiiiiiin. :)


So, this week wasn't that great. I was sick, and my computer charger broke actually, and when it did break, I had like 5% power, so I wasn't able to use it most of the week (my mom ordered me a new one on Amazon though, and it came yesterday). But sometimes we can look at those little things, and really get upset over it. We think our lives are horrible, and nothing is going right. It could be a tiny thing, or a huge thing. It could be as simple has having a cold, to being in a car accident. They can totally change our days around from a good day to a bad day in almost an instant. It could be your parents won't let you do something you want to do, to being in a waiting room, waiting for your sibling to get out of a minor/major surgery. It's easy to think that it's the worst day ever, and everyone else has it better than you.

That isn't true.

You saw that correctly.

That isn't true.

You might have no idea what I mean by that. You might think, "Of course everyone has it better than me, you have no idea how hard this day has been on me."

I know there are bad days. There are days when it feels like the whole world is up against you. Like you're just standing in front of a brick wall. No way through it. But there are some brick walls that seem like brick walls, but they aren't. Some people have higher and sturdier brick walls in front of them than you do. But there's a way through it. Through every brick wall.

For example, the wildfires that have been going on in California. They have totally wrecked peoples lives forever. I can tell you that they are going through much more than just a momentary sickness you might have. They have just been through something no one wants to go through. Losing everything you've ever known to a fire. It's horrible.

Yes, what those people are going through are much worse than your small situations, but for both situations, there is both the same way through those brick walls. The one thats thin and momentary, and the one thats thicker and sturdier, and could last a while... The way through it is Jesus. He will get you through this wall. This storm. This season of life... Psalm 30:5 (NIV) says,


For his anger lasts only a moment,
    but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may stay for the night,
    but rejoicing comes in the morning.


Weeping won't stay around forever. But rejoicing will come in the morning.

What I want you to take away from this is that your situation is probably not the worse. But no matter how bad it is, or how easy it is, there is a way through it. And that way is Jesus. He wants to save you. He might not save you immediately, but He will. Weeping is only momentary. Joy will come in the morning.




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