
Friday, March 29, 2019

5 People Who Have Impacted my Christian Growth.

Hi guys! I do understand this post is sorta AJ related... and I hope that's okay... but I had no other ideas in mind so I figured I'd just do this anyway. Let's just get into it!
My sister has made the greatest impact on my Christian Growth. When I feel like I should just give up, she's always there for me. Thank you sis!
Gracie is so sweet, sometimes when I get angry or mad, she literally calms me down in seconds. She's always telling me about what God can do during every single small and big situation I have.
(In matter of fact, she was the one who actually reminded me to do a blog post today... :cough:)
Thank you Gracie!
Celebrati0n always makes me laugh and smile, no matter what. Not only that, she encourages you in your faith every single time you hang around her. She's one of those people who aren't only just fun to hang around, but also one of those people that you should hang around with, because of what they help you with. 
Thank you Celebrati0n!
Twinkle encourages me everytime I see her... there is not one dull moment with her. I find it cool that we also use the same bible version. 😊
Thank you Twinkle!
Even though we don't talk often, she's always so happy and cheerful. There is something about her, that just shines bright. She encourages me just like all the others do.
Thank you Partyon25!
Well, I guess that's it for today guys!
Matthew 24:35 (KJV)
Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.


  1. Im glad you have people in your life you look up too:)

  2. Awwww, this post is so sweet! :) I'm glad I've been able to encourage you.... and remind you to do your post. Hehe

    Remember, God made YOU!

  3. Thank you so much!
    partyon25 <3

  4. Aww, this post is adorable. Thank you for including me in this post! You're so sweet.


    1. Aw, thank you! No problem at all. You're so sweet too!


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