
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Here In The Struggle

We're all probably in a struggle of some sort. Or at least, we know of someone who's in the struggle. It could be an awful situation you're facing, or it could be a tough season of anxiety you're battling. It can be hard to see clearly during it. We can get so drowned out by all the other voices whispering lies to us. But I want you to know this here in the struggle.

There's hope.

There's still hope.

Every time I get stuck in anxiety, I can really talk myself into thinking that my anxiety is never going to end, and all my fears are going to come true. But that's just a lie. 2 Corinthians 4:17 says,


For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.


Our troubles will always be light and momentary. The scars of our troubles might last for a long time, but the actual situation is only momentary. The season of anxiety that I'm currently in is only momentary. And in the end, it will achieve an eternal glory. Just think- your story, and my story, could be a beacon of hope for someone in the future who is walking through something we ourselves have walked through. There's always a purpose for the pain we're feeling.

Never give up. Never lose hope. Keep going! Here in the struggle, God is working. Here in the struggle, God is working all things together for good.


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