
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Why Are You Running?

It's another Wednesday! I can't believe it's the last Wednesday of March already. I am not really sure in what direction this post is going to go, because it's kind of "off the cuff."

I am currently listening to Casting Crowns' song called Even When You're Running. 

This song is on their newest album, called "Only Jesus," just in case if you were wondering. I specifically wanted to talk about this song, and how true it is to me personally. It speaks my story.

Lately, I've been so caught up with so many things. I am not as close to God as I once was, and it bothers me. I am always saying "Why can't I just be as close as I was when I was 13?"

I say that because I was sold out to Christ. ANYTHING He wanted I did or gave. ANY time I had was HIS. In recent times, maybe the last year- year and half or so, I've been caught up with myself. I've lost my way...


He's always been in the background, calling to me. I responded maybe for a week or so, but I always went back to running. Running a 1000 miles in the wrong direction. I began to feel myself slip away when I was 14. I even wrote myself a letter, of which I read recently. It smote my heart and so did this song. 

Like the song says, "His love is inescapable. His presence is unshakable." It's reminds me of Jonah in the Bible, where he tried to escape the calling of God. I like Jonah have tried to escape. I've allowed other things to fill up my time. I've allowed other voices to call out to me. (Not that they were sinful things, but they were just things. Things that God didn't give me specific instructions to do and pursue). 

I've felt that God has been calling me back to the close fellowship that we once had, for a while now. He's never stopped calling. As the days go on my days seem to get busier and darker. I am ashamed to admit that, but I am being honest with myself. 

I am tired of running! I am tired of living my life for myself. I am lonely without Him. I am...BROKEN!

Jesus Christ made a way for me and you. I don't have to run, instead I need to turn and around and He will come running. He'll welcome you home, like the father in the story of the prodigal son.

I am not sure who this post is for or if it's even for anyone. Maybe it's for me to look back on, remembering the day that I broke down and turned around to simply stop running. However, if you are running...I encourage you to stop right now. Go to God, He's inescapable and unshakable.  You don't need to hide and curl up into the corner. I have. It's miserable. Stop running away from the love that you once had! 

Today's Encouraging Quote: 

We never grow closer to God when we just live life. It takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness.
- Francis Chan 

Today's Bible Verse:  

And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 
I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, - Luke 15:17-18

Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


  1. I loved this post sis! I have to say for myself, I've been running too... amazing job, sis!

  2. Hopefully you find yourself back on track in the path you want soon!

  3. Thank you, I hope so too!

    Remember, the best friend you have is Jesus Christ.


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